November 21, 2010

Week Two Reflection: 30 for 30

30 for 30: WEEK TWO

The 30 for 30 Closet Remix has already helped me gain some insight on myself and my closet. I honestly think it is helping me tread new ground and open my mind up to the fact that I don't need a closet bursting at the seams in order to be happy and fashionable. Check out some other thoughts/ideas/reflections I had on this past second week of the remix...

This is a toughie. I kept it pretty simple all week with all of my outfits but ended up really liking the majority of them. Sometimes I'm in the mood to get all dolled up and sometimes I like to keep it really simple. This week was a simple week. I think my favorite outfit was DAY SEVEN for the fact that it was so comfortable. This week was the first week that it has really felt like winter is on it's way so comfortable clothes were winners.

Nope, not a bit. In fact, the only time I went in my closet this week was to empty it. I did a big closet clean out earlier in the week and it felt amazing. I asked myself the following questions as I took a look at each piece of clothing: When did you wear it last? How do you feel when you where this? Does this go with more than one other clothing item? Is this outdated? Do you have something that looks just like this? I mean, seriously, how many plain black shirts does one girl need? Probably not five, am I right?

I didn't care so much about looking amazing this week... That sounds bad but it's true. Sometimes I just want to take it easy, not wear makeup, barely wear any jewelry, and just keep it simple. I think I accomplished that.

My shoe choices became even more lackluster this week when I realized that the pair of shoes I have only worn once once are falling apart. Oops. You may not see these making an appearance again - which means my 30 is turning into 29. I'll suffice.

I liked that this second week proved to me, yet again, that I don't need all the clothes that are currently hanging in my closet. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in things and it's hard to untangle yourself from that web. I made baby steps this week by doing a big closet cleanout but I still have a far way to come. I have made a pledge to myself to do a closet cleanout each week of the remix (and, of course, beyond) because I think as I get deeper in, I will realize I need less and less. It's amazing how freeing getting rid of things can be when you realize how much you don't need them... and all the space it gives you to breathe (literally)!

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. I really, really like how this challenge is making us all realize we DON'T need 5 black shirts (LOL!), and that it really is the accessories that make the outfit. I feel like I could get away with the same outfits every week, but no one would know they're the same if I kept switching up the accessories!

    And I love your #7 outfit. So comfy!!

  2. i am feeling a lot like you are :) and day 7 was my favorite for me, too!

  3. You are doing GREAT...less is more:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
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  4. I too have realized that I have so much already (and so many styling options I never considered before).

    I think your white blazer might be my favorite piece of yours, I have a white blazer and I struggle with styling it- I'm definitely watching for what you do with it!

  5. Ooh, I'm def doing the next 30 for 30. Great outfits you have here. I'm your newest follower! x

  6. Ooh, I'm def doing the next 30 for 30. Great outfits you have here. I'm your newest follower! x

  7. Lovely collage !
    Like your blog (:

    Will you please check my blog out ?

  8. I liked the outfit with the red bow a lot!!

    a very cool project!


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