November 5, 2010

The Flowers Do The Walking

The second I woke up this morning all I could think about was layers. Layers, layers, layers. So cold. Must have layers. And for good reason - it snowed today! Not a lot and nothing stuck to the ground, but still. Snow. I'm not ready yet!

WIW: 11/05/10

Of course, if you know me well or pay close attention, I wear layers every day - maybe just in not so much of an obvious way. I wear a tank top under almost every single piece of clothing you will ever see me in. Just an added piece of warmth, I guess.

I've been sick and exhausted this entire week so I wanted nothing more than to be layered up and comfortable on this casual Friday.

WIW: 11/05/10
Tank (the print peeking out): Old Navy, ions ago
White Tshirt: Thrifted Towncraft tshirt, thrifted, $1
Tan Button Down: GAP, thrifted ions ago
Jeans: Calvin Klein, thrifted ions ago
Boots: Doc Martens, gift from my parents years & years ago
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Anytime I feel the need for ultimate comfort in clothes, I bust out one of these thrifted Towncraft white tshirts. They are literally the softest tshirt I have ever felt in my life. I still remember the day I found them (I have two) at the thrift store. My hand brushed the shoulder and I was sold. $1 for each? Yes, please.

WIW: 11/05/10

I love these boots. I always forget about them & then find them in the very back of my closet and get all excited again. They're the gift that keeps on giving, apparently. My mom bought these for me years and years and years ago for Christmas. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was in high school at the time. I'd say she knows me well, huh? These boots are always such a conversation piece - I always get a ton of compliments on them and/or I get stories from ladies who wore Doc Martens in high school/all the crazy escapades they did in them. Let's be honest, most chicks who rock Doc Martens at any point in their life are pretty fierce, so these stories are always fun and interesting. Love that.


  1. Oh the shoes! are so cool!!
    I think you love fashion, so your homework today, is to step by my blog ok?

  2. I love thrifting too, though thrift stores in Manila are COMPLETELY different than the ones in the US or UK so usually I end up sighing that you guys can end up with more for less. Doc Martens never go out of style. Snaps!

    Arianne from A + B in the Sea

  3. I just love your boots!!! The one pair of Docs I ever had (thought not nearly as cool as yours) back in the 90s, I got rid of and now I am kicking myself for it. Lovely blog - following now:)

  4. Those boots.. I NEED those boots. Those are seriously the sweetest things ever.
    and $1 for your shirt? Wow I need to start shopping where you shop.


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