November 18, 2010

30 for 30: Day NINE (11/18/10)

Old man winter has arrived and has forced me to photograph inside today. Don't worry, he'll be getting a big old knuckle sandwich from me for that one.
30 for 30: Day NINE (11/18/10)
Black Dress: Karen Kane, Thrifted
Tights: Nude nylons under fun black footless tights
Belt: Kohl's, $15
Black Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I went through many reincarnations of outfits last night with this dress. The best thing, as you know, about a black dress is that you can pair so much with it. I'm pretty sure my entire bed was filled with tights, scarves, and jewelry before I finally decided on what I wanted to wear with it today. And then I woke up this morning and completely changed everything. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. :)

30 for 30: Day NINE (11/18/10)

I wish I could tell you where I bought these tights from. I don't remember! My guess is probably JCPenney. I bought a lot of tights there last year and I know I had have this pair for a while now, so that's my best guess. How fun are they? They're actually footless too - so they pair great with almost any shoe.

30 for 30: Day NINE (11/18/10)

You're going to be shocked: I paid $15 for this necklace. I'm a bit annoyed to say that now but I did it because it looked so good with an outfit I put together last year around this time. I was going to a holiday party and had found the most perfect black, velvet vintage dress at my favorite local vintage store... this necklace just called out to me and before I knew it, I had bought it. I haven't worn it since. Oh, Katie. I figured now was the time to re-introduce it back into my wardrobe - this time I reincarnated it as a belt. The ladies at work went wild over it. What do you think?

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. LOVE THOSE cool:)

    What a great necklace..I cant believe it was only that much!! Lucky girl!!

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  2. Everyone loved my tights today! :) I had been missing these for a while so I am delighted to be reunited again.

  3. love those tights! i do the same thing (pick out outfits, throw all of the options on the bed, and then change the entire thing the next morning). haha! you're not the only one!

  4. its a cute necklace and works great as a belt!

    sometimes its OK to spend a little money on something we find beautiful. even if we only wear it once! think of all the amazing items in your wardrobe that you got for practically nothing! more than makes up for the difference. and it makes this item even more special that you don't wear the heck out of it.

  5. Kudos on the tights & necklace for sure. Yeah, I had one of those days too, except I had an 8:30 meeting and didn't have time to, uh, work it out.

    I'm still having a good laugh over it. Hope you do too:

    The comments all day were killing it. I couldn't take myself seriously. O well!

  6. I'm just repeating everyone, but it's true- those tights are awesome! I feel like such a sexy lady when I wear a similar pair I have. And nice call on the belt/necklace!

  7. You innovative thing, you! Love the necklace as a really accentuates your teeny tiny waist!

  8. I might steal that from you. Turning a necklace into a belt. Brilliant! Looks great!

    The Auspicious Life

  9. Love love love the tights. I really need to get on board with the tights! They add so much.


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