November 8, 2010

30 for 30: Day One (11/08/10)

30 for 30: Day 1 (11/08/10)
Sweater: Bogari, Thrifted
Shirt (underneath): Mossimo Supply Co, Target
Skirt: No tag, Thrifted, $1.25
Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I had this outfit picked out the minute I finalized my selections. Actually, the second I found this skirt at the thrift store, I had it paired with this sweater. There is something about pink and grey that just pairs so perfectly. And, personally, I feel that Mondays are made for really great outfits. You already have to drag yourself out of bed after a weekend and go to work... you might as well look good doing it.

Plus, this skirt makes me feel very ballerina like when wearing it. The color is perfect and it moves so nicely. It's a bit big on me but that I can deal with and actually that will work in my favor later on because I have some other ideas as to how to wear this. In due time, in due time. :)

30 for 30: Day 1 (11/08/10)

How was your first day of the remix?


  1. i imagined this dress what a bit shorter but i like the length a lot!

  2. ohh i love that accordion pleated skirt!

  3. So cute! What a great way to start 30 for 30! :)

    I look forward to seeing how you mix it up for the next 29 days!

  4. such a fun outfit!!! i am a sucker for animal prints, and the color pink :)

  5. @Amber Rose - You are so sweet!

    @rosemaryx - It does look a lot shorter than it is in the picture I took of it the other day. I don't normally wear skirts that are this mid-length, but decided to heck with it. The color was just too pretty for me to care. :)

    @archives - Thank you! I have never found another pleated skirt I have liked so much!

    @Cassandra - Aww, thanks!

    @Kinsey - Me too! I especially love when animal prints are paired with color/other unexpected print.

    Thanks, guys! :)

  6. The pink and grey really do go together so well. Seeing that skirt really does make one want to be a ballerina!

  7. oh i LOVE skirts that fall there. They certainly need the right shoes though and yours look great with it! Love the color too!

  8. @sartoriography - Thanks!

    @rosemaryx Thanks! I have always been wary of wearing skirts this length because I feel like my legs are too "wide" to get away with it. I'm attempting to get rid of those feelings this year because I am pretty sure I am the only person who cares about such things :) Life is too short, right?!

  9. Such a fun outfit! What could be more feminine than pink and animal prints and I love how you contrasted the girlie-ness with the black boots!

    Love the glasses too!

  10. I love the pairing! Very inventive...and I especially love anything that makes me feel like a ballerina! can't wait to see what you do next!!

  11. Pretty pretty the animal print top:)

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  12. I am glad you liked my new room!!
    I am loving this pick! I love leopard anything esp the grey leopard!
    That skirt is so dang cute too!


  13. Loved the leopard spots matching the pleated skirt!
    very simple but great great outfit.
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    See you around!

    Lovely blog :)

  14. I love the skirt's colour it's really fresh. The leopard print top is cool too. I've just started following you on twitter!

  15. Wonderful outfit!
    my name's martina and I come from Italy...I would like you follow me! I wait you and your tips!kiss kiss ^^


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