November 29, 2010

30 for 30: Week Three Recap

30 for 30: Week 3 Recap

The 30 for 30 Closet Remix is steadily helping me gain some insight on myself and my closet. I honestly think it is helping me tread new ground and open my mind up to the fact that I don't need a closet bursting at the seams in order to be happy and fashionable. Check out some other thoughts/ideas/reflections I had on this past third week of the remix...

That's a toughie! I actually really liked every outfit I put together this week. I think I will go with Day 13 because I wore one of my favorite shirts - the gingham black and white button up. This shirt is so easy to mix in with nearly anything in my closet. I think I hold a special place for it because I'm normally not very good at remixing but this is one piece I have constantly mixed into different outfits. It's my first born remix piece, if you will. :)

OK, I admit it... I had a few instances this week where I wished I could open my closet up for business again. I think I only felt this way because I had a few look specific ideas in my head but then had to remind myself I couldn't work with certain items. It does kind of stink when you have a really good outfit idea that you can't put together because a certain piece isn't in your 30 pieces. I will say, however, that I quickly snapped out of it and saved away the outfit idea for an After-30x30 day. See, the remix is even helping me plan outfits for when the remix is done!

Number one important lesson for me this week: You can wear a piece of clothing twice in the same week and not die. (The piece of clothing in question being the tan vest.) Seriously, I have issues with this. I cannot tell you the last time I wore a piece of clothing within the same week. Now, this is just a baby step considering I wore the vest the first day to work and the second day on a day when I didn't have to work. I will consider myself completely cured of the One Day A Week Disease when I wear the same piece twice within a work week.

Oh! And apparently when in doubt just add a belt! I wore every single look this week with a different belt. I clearly have a bit of a belt obsession lately.

This week I enjoyed building more layered looks. I tried to use a couple different 30x30 pieces within each outfit so as to change it up a bit. A lot of these items are things I probably would have never layered together so I'm definately becoming more accostomed to shopping my closet and trying new things!

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. You're so cute!
    I'm loving your bangs and your style!


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