November 19, 2010

30 for 30: Day TEN (11/19/10)

Sometimes KISS is best...
Keep It Simple Stupid :)
30 for 30: Day TEN (11/19/10)
Black V-Neck Top: Forever 21, Thrifted
White Blazer: Chadwicks, Thrifted, $2.50
Dark Jeans: Xhilaration, Target
White/Black Polka Dot Socks: ?
Shoes: Joan and David Too Black Heeled Oxfords, Thrifted: $5.20
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Herein ends a long day that just couldn't stop: Woke up late, bad hair day, annoyances at work, dribbled coffee on my white (of course) blazer, my right blinker won't work on my car (but only when my lights are on... mmm, ok), and having to pick my boyfriend up at work because his blood sugar was so low he almost passed out. And breathe.

30 for 30: Day TEN (11/19/10)

Flip that. Reverse it. Let's think about the bright sides: Got some extra sleep, Messy hair is sexy hair (ok, I'm pushin it on that one...), accomplished a ton at work today, my coffee was perfectly hot on a cold almost-winter's day, it was sunny today so I didn't need to turn my car's lights on (and therefore my blinker worked) and my boyfriend is safe and sound and feeling better and snuggled into bed. It is nice to think on the sunnier side of things. (See also: BFFs that tolerate random text messages from their directionless friends and moms who handle daughters that are having mildly teary fits.)

30 for 30: Day TEN (11/19/10)

What made your day a bit brighter today?

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. Sounds like a tough day hunnie...but those polka dot socks would have made my day just FINE:) lol...I LOVE polkas.....and black and white..and of course your "kiss"...hehehehe..have a great night!!
    PS...I had a great night because I got a new laptop on my way home from work:)

    Enter my Spotted Moth Giveaway:)

  2. I love the KISS attitude. And that white coat. :)

  3. Hope you have a much better night. Just think, it's the weekend and you don't have to work tomorrow! :)

  4. PS - thanks for the shout out, I don't know how much I helped. I hope you found your way! <3

  5. messy hair *is* sexy hair - i second the motion!

    giggling over silly pop music videos made my day better. plus ice wine (yum)

  6. Collette - Thank you! These socks always make me happy... I probably wear them at least once a week! :) Yay for new laptops!

    Elizabeth - Me too... Lately I have been into very simple looks so I'm running with it :)

    Al - WOO HOO! TGIF for sure! And you totally helped! You were the reason I turned around otherwise I probably would have kept driving down Utica thinking it was 13 and just getting further confused. :) I called my mom after that instead of you only because I was nearly in tears and figured I would spare you from that! <3

  7. Amanda - OK! Let's run with that! :) What is ice wine!? It sounds like something I would enjoy!

  8. ice wine is a fantastically sweet dessert wine - like a Riesling, or a Gewurztraminer (i KNOW i got that all sorts of wrong, but hooray for spell check) but not as dry as prosecco - where the grapes are actually frozen on the vine, then fermented into wine. if they have a 'bad' year and the grapes don't freeze, no ice wine! jackson-triggs is a winery out of bc canada that makes it ... i bet there are some places in the part of canada close to you (ontario?) that make it. are you close to a good wine seller, or reputable liquor place? i am totally willing to help you find some.

  9. Great KISS attitude fellow 30 for 30 challenger!


  10. I hate days when everything seems to be not going your way. You said you dribbled coffee on your blazer was that after the pics were taken? I love the white double breasted blazer and the polka dot white socks they're really cool!

  11. I love your socks!

  12. My day was made brighter by going running in the middle of the day and somehow ate up most of my day, though it also could have done the opposite. I just reminded myself that I will live with my body much longer than the mess around the house.

    So far, the hubby seems to have turned a blind eye to the lack of productivity around here. It may have to do with a new video game.

    Love the B&W!


  13. You know what to do--breathe, as you stated so simply.

    I like what you wrote to go with your outfit post. I am a fellow remixer and want to wish you well with the remaining days of the challenge.

  14. I love this look! Very chic. The polka dot socks are a wonderful and unexpected touch.

    Not sure if I gushed over how fabulous your hair and glasses are before... so I had to again. ;)

  15. Nice blazer! And messy hair is sexy hair! lol, ok, yeah, pushing it.

  16. KISS is a great way to go! I like the little touches, though, like the pattern of the dots showing under the cuffed jeans.
    I hope your weekend is looking up.
    The Auspicious Life

  17. It's always good to think on the bright side :) you look great, i love your shoes. What made my day? hhmm most probably the winter sales! :) great blog, following :D
    I'd be lovely if you followed me too, id really appreciate it ♥


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