December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, Baby!

I hope you are enjoying today and spending lots of time with friends and family. I spent last night celebrating with my boyfriend's family. We always spend Christmas Eve at his grandma's house. It's not a dress up affair but I'm always overdressed because I leave early to attend church.

Here is what I wore this Christmas Eve...

Merry Christmas Eve 2010
Dress: Untagged vintage, Thrifted
Tights: Merona
Shoes: Believe by Carlos Santana, Famous Footwear, $50
Necklace: Was a gift
Scarf (Belt): Untagged, Thrifted, $1
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I know, are you a bit shocked to see my shoes cost $50? Here's why I splurged: I bought them to wear in my best friend's wedding over a year ago. I looked everywhere for a thrifty pretty shoe and came up empty handed. The minute I saw these, I was smitten. They looked perfect with my bridesmaid dress.

... But I haven't worn them since. Figures.

So this is when I stop that nonsense. I am making a pact with myself to wear that part of my closet we all have - the stuff we can't get rid of but which we never wear. What a waste, right? Right. So the shoes came out and I'm pretty happy they did. I think they looked pretty good with this dress and upped the fancy factor, which is fun this time of year.

Today? Today I am think I am going to keep it comfortable. I wish I could spend the day in my Christmas pajamas but I am spending the later part of the day upnorth with my mom's family. That calls for something a bit more presentable than pajamas, I suppose. :)

Merry Christmas, guys. Hope Santa brought you exactly what you wanted and needed this year and that you're surrounded by your favorite people.


  1. Love the outfit! Merry Christmas!
    Please check out/follow my blog. I love yours!


  2. You look cute in your Xmas EVe outfit....I had 25 for dinner yesterday...totally pooped and are gonna chill out today around the house...maybe some online sales later:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Forever 21 Holiday Giveaway!!♥

  3. Wow, Wow, Wow! Check out the heel on those shoes! Lookin' lovely, lady. I'm holding the fort down in my Christmas PJ's for you. Nothing like a cold to get me to stay put and re-lax! Hope you had a lovely one:)

  4. red is always the perfect color when it comes to christmas outfits! im trying to wear more of my items that just collect dust, too. those shoes are a pretty great start!!!

  5. I'm there with you on bringing out the old, much loved, and hardly worn items. I have all too many pieces I am "saving" for a "special" occasion that never seems to come. Those shoes are really cute, though, and look very versatile so hopefully you will get more use to them. Happy holidays!

  6. Your scarf used as a belt is too cute! So unique. Thanks for your sweet comment, and I love your blog! xo


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