December 13, 2010

30 for 30: Day 25 (12/13/10)

Let's set the truth out on the table, shall we? I'm not a fan of this outfit. At all really. I went to bed late last night and therefore chose my clothes for the next day in a hurry. I woke up late this morning and therefore put my clothes on in a hurry. It happens. Not every outfit can be a winner and, honestly, had this not been a 30x30 outfit, I never would have blogged about it. I'm nice and try to spare you from such things. :)

30 for 30: Day 25 (12/13/10)
Black Pants: New York and Company
White Blouse: Alicia, Thrifted (vintage)
Olive Tunic: American Apparel via Rue La La, $7.90 (including shipping)
Gold Scarf: No tag, Plato's Closet, $5
Gold Bangle Bracelet: Thrifted, $3
Black Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I have a case of the Mondays today. Woke up late, rushed to work as much as I could, almost fell on my face thanks to the snow and ice, everyone and their brother called in at work, and then my car door wouldn't shut because it was so cold it was frozen open. It wouldn't latch to the inside of my car when I tried to leave for lunch. Oy. So I gave up, closed it as much as I could and walked over to one of my favorite restaurants to eat a greasy turkey burger and a coke for lunch. What are you gonna do, ya know? (You're probably horrified that I left my car more or less open. Don't be. My car - and really I drive my boyfriend's car to work - is as old and rusty as they come - no one would have been interested. Ha ha!) I took a cup of steaming water out to it at the end of the day and that did the trick.

30 for 30: Day 25 (12/13/10)

I forgot how loud these bracelets are when I wear them. I remember every time I wear them to work and my arms are constantly in movement. Clang, clang, clang. Oh well. They look good, right? :)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. I think you look pretty. Today was rough, but at least you got Seeburgers :) I am in need of a Seeburger trip. Do you have lunch plans Friday?? :)

    <3 Hope your week gets better!

  2. Seriously?? your day sounds like mine!! 2.5 hours to drive to work in ICE:(

    I think you look great.....I applaud you for posting an outfit you arent "vibing on"....gooo you!!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Spoil Me Fashion Jewelry Giveaway!!♥

  3. your smirk totally makes the outfit work! :D and yes indeed, the bracelets do look good.

  4. It's not such a bad outfit - I like the tunic over the blouse, it's cute.

    And you're making me glad I live where it doesn't snow! Sounds terrible.


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