December 6, 2010

30 for 30: Week 4 Recap

30 for 30: Week 4 Recap

The 30 for 30 Closet Remix is steadily helping me gain some insight on myself and my closet. I honestly think it is helping me tread new ground and open my mind up to the fact that I don't need a closet bursting at the seams in order to be happy and fashionable. Check out some other thoughts/ideas/reflections I had on this past fourth week of the remix...

Oh, so easy! My favorite, hands down, this week is Day #17. The blazer I wore that day is one of my all time favorite thrift store finds. I could probably pair with anything and it would instantly become a new favorite outfit.

Yes. There - I said it. I think I have finally hit my limit. I'm running out of inspiration... I feel like I have worn everything five zillion times though I know I haven't. I think it would help me, in the future, to plan outfits more ahead of time instead of late the night before when I am feeling tired anyway.

My outfits were not exactly spectacular this week but they are giving me ideas for stellar outfits to wear once the challenge is done. Sure, that involves the rest of my closet... but that's the point, right? Shop your own closet.

Another thing I noticed is that my accessories are seriously lacking. Years ago I was very into buying tights, socks, jewelry, etc. I haven't really been into buying such things lately and it shows. I would love to add some new colorful accessories/statement pieces into my wardrobe in the next few months.

It may be boring to others, but I like that I chose so many black/white pieces for the remix. It's allowing me to mix prints now more than ever and I'm really enjoying that.

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. positively in love with your black & white print mixing. i also adore, in the photo set, how the red/coral dress pops against everything else.


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