December 20, 2010

30 for 30: Day 30! (12/20/10)

Oh my goodness, is this really the final day of the remix? I can't believe it! On one hand, it seems like these past thirty day have come and gone so quick! On the other hand, it has seemed very slow at some points and I am absolutely itching to get back into my closet!

I probably should have picked something a little more exciting to wear on this final day, but I kind of just felt like wearing all black. So I did.

30 for 30: Day 30! (12/20/10)
Dress: Karen Kane, Thrifted
Sweater: Moda International, Thrifted, $4.99
Tights: SO OLD, seriously... like, years and years old.
Necklace: Was a gift
Shoes: Joan and David Too, Thrifted, $5.20
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I think everyone and their sister complimented me on these tights today. Literally. It's funny that these type of tights are so on point right now because I have actually had this pair for SO many years. I remember buying them to wear out on an anniversary date night with my boyfriend and that was before we lived together..... so, yeah, they are almost as old as dirt. :)

30 for 30: Day 30! (12/20/10)

These shoes have taken SUCH a beating over the past thirty days. This photo really shows that. I'll have to be sure to give them some TLC coming up here pretty quick because they're one of my favorite pairs of shoes so I need them to last!

30 for 30: Day 30! (12/20/10)

Today whipped by! It seems like I literally just put my clothes on... but, no, that was hours ago. I am thankful but exhausted. It was a very busy day at work and I have a ton of things to still get done for Christmas. That being said - I'm about to go crawl into some pajamas and get to crafting on the things I still need to complete!

..... but what am I going to wear tomorrow!?


  1. Love love love those tights and the outfit is lovely:)

  2. You have seriously been holding out on those tights. Well done, my friend. I really love this outfit, I loveeeee black, so it fits. It looks fab on you!

  3. You are too cute. I ADORE this outfit. Love dressing monochromatic...I usually do it with gray. :-))
    XXX to you- Emily from EL Vintage

  4. PS-- Just looked at other posts and I am so adding you to my daily reads. I love your style and of course LOVE that you include vintage.
    XXXXX :-)

  5. yay, you're done! congrats! :D it's been so much fun watching you. you should wear houndstooth something tomorrow - you've gotta have something in your 'new' old clothes that you haven't seen in 30 days!

  6. I love black on black...I think this is a great outfit to finish the challenge off with...and the tights? I would have complimented you as well...very cool!!!
    Congrats on a job well done...welcome back to your closet:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  7. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure that black on black was the coolest way to finish the challenge, especially with those tights taking the lead. Awesome choice. (My sister says she loves them, too.)

  8. Yay! You finished! I have been a bit overwhelmed by my closet since I finished... hopefully you'll do better.


  9. Dude! Check Colette's blog, I think you won a bracelet:)

  10. Congrats lady! Now your closet is your oyster.

  11. You finished!!! Woop Woop! Your all black is anything but basic....those tights are great!

    The Auspicious Life

  12. congrats on finishing!!! i hope you don't have the post-challenege depression that i had. :)


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