March 14, 2011

The Catch Up Game!

Are we all ready to play the catch up on Katie's 30x30 game? I'll warn you - I took the majority of these photos within 15 minutes or so tonight. Let's be honest, it's not very fun to get all dressed up in outfits you've already worn and am over with - hence the quick photos and blah expressions. I suppose it only gives way to to the truth, though, considering that I wore all of these outfits over the course of last week when I wasn't feeling well...

24/30: Easy Friday 03/04/11
Also known as: The last day I felt well for a week. I had an easy day at work and hit the bar after work for a quick drink with co-workers which quickly turned into more than one drink and me and my boyfriend walking home from the bar. Perhaps this cold, rainy walk is what did me in... one will never know.

24/30: Easy Friday
Black Tee: Mossimo, Target, old
Grey Tee: Old Navy, $6 (on sale)
Jeans: Mossimo Premium, Target, old
Boots:CA Collection by Cirrini, thrifted, $6.50
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

25/30: Polka Dot #EBEW 03/08/11
Although I didn't feel well on Tuesday, I went to work with the high hopes that I would feel better throughout the day. Yeah, no. You know those days when you're so sick that you're in a complete daze? That was Tuesday for me. I know I worked all day but I honestly couldn't tell you what I did. Awesome. I even intended to come home and make an actual post because it was an Every Body, Every Wear day but I didn't even have the energy to accomplish that! I came home, snuggled under five blankets on my couch and passed out until the next morning. In these clothes. Oops.

26/30: Polka Dot #EBEW
Grey Sweater: Mossimo, Target, $4.50 (clearance)
Black/White Top: Persaman New York, thrifted, $3.60
Polka Dot Skirt: Tagless, thrifted, $2
Boots: Franco Fortini, eBay, old
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

26/30: Comfort at Work 03/10/11
After another day off from work, I was finally feeling a little bit better. The flu felt like it had finally passed but the cold I was working with kept me from feeling 100%. Sniffly eyes, sniffly nose and sniffly voice were the leftover unwelcome house guests. I intended for my outfit to keep me warm and comfortable all day and I think it worked well with that intention.

25/30: Comfort at Work
Black Pants: New York and Co, old
Gingham Dress: (as top) Old Navy, Old Navy Outlet Store, $15
Scarf: Old Navy, old
Boots: Franco Fortini, eBay, old
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

27/30: Under the Weather 03/11/11
I still didn't feel well on Friday but managed to put together another comfy type outfit. I figured that if I had to be at work all day, I might as well pretend I was at home relaxing. This maxi dress allows me to feel that way every time I wear it. So roomy and so soft... it's like wearing a nightgown to work. Strange, yet fantastic. (And do you like the very emo photo I caught that day? I was out of energy to even stand.)

27/30: Under the Weather
Maxi Dress: Target, $7 (clearance)
Jean Shirt: Blue Asphalt, thrifted, $1.40
Scarf: Bijoux Terner, thrifted, $3.99
Boots: St. John's Bay, thrifted, $4.60
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Since I'm playing catch up today, today's outfit will be posted tomorrow. Look forward to more color, more sun and a not-so-sick Katie! :)


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one behind on posting my outfits! Definitely trying to catch up this week and get the remix over with.

    I'm sorry you were so sick! I'm glad you're feeling better at least.

  2. Glad you're starting to feel a bit better... or at least I hope you are judging from your the posting and photographing!
    I love the pattern mixing going on in the skirt + blouse outfit!

  3. I really like 26! Glad you are feeling better :)

  4. Glad you are feeling better....nothing like having to take pics and not feel all your outfits....:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Free People Giveaway!!♥

  5. 24 is my favorite! Loving those boots.

  6. love that last dress/skirt. x

    p.s. I'm having a giveaway on my blog for a pretty ring from bobbins & bits if you'd like to check it out. :) x

  7. was wondering where you had gone off to - welcome back to 'real life' and feeling better. love #26, you're almost done!

  8. i LOVE 26 and 27! i want to borrow both of those, ok? :)


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