March 20, 2011

The 30 x 30: My Recap

I started this edition of the 30x30 out much less organized than my last go round. I did quite a bit of planning and thinking about what I wanted to include in my first try at the 30x30. That worked out very well as I honestly loved every single piece I included in that edition. This time around I feel like I threw things into the mix very quickly without thinking about it enough...


I guess I thought I would try this new "throw it together" approach. Always the planner, I should have realized this wouldn't work for me. Regardless, I'm still happy I gave it a try as that is what life is all about right?

I also chose to throw in a few pieces that I rarely wear, which is something I want to change. I have an over abundance of clothes to the point where I will go sometimes a year without wearing something. That is ridiculous. Ridiculous to the point where if I don't think about it enough to wear for a year... I need to start really asking myself if I need it to be taking up space in my closet.

I'm happy I pushed myself to add items I normally wouldn't pick. I've had these pants for years now, wear them every so often, and then back they go in my closet for months. I added them to my remix to see how I could change up the way I styled them. And you know what? I finally came to the realization that they just don't work for me. Off they go to find a better home and a little bit more breathing space is made in my closet...

Now, don't get me wrong, cleaning out my closet isn't the only reason I remix in the 30x30, it's just a perk. For me, joing the 30x30 has always been about pushing myself to create more outfits. I'll be honest - I think I stink at remixing. I tend to pair certain things together all the time and never seem to stray too far from that. The 30x30 remix helps me hone my remixing bone. I may not be the best at it yet, but I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

Finally, I'll just say that this 30x30 was especially hard for me. Between the suuuuuuuper long and very snowy winter and feeling and being sick through a lot of it, I'm honestly quite proud of myself for sticking it out and making it through. Go me. :)

My completed 30x30 - Take 2

Oh, did I say thirty? I apparently meant 29 because I skipped over day #9 without even realizing it until now! Please forgive me! I'm not good at math. :)


  1. you may not be good at math, but you're great at remixing! do you think you'll do a spring one?

  2. Hey there, just found you through Twitter! I am loving your style and funk. I'm needing some inspiration in the wardrobe area so this is great!

    So happy to have found you and can't wait to follow!


  3. Day 15 with the bright colors just jumped off the page at me as a favorite, but the last look against the brick wall with the brown, white and black is also a favorite personal color combo!
    Well done!


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