March 15, 2011

28/30: A Touch of Spring

I'm happy I waited until today to post yesterday's outfit because I needed the dose of sunlight they provided. Isn't it amazing the different a bright, sunny day can make? Today Michigan was back to it's normal rainy, damp, cold self. It's March, it's to be expected, but yesterday was such a nice change...

28/30: A Touch of Spring
Cotton Cardi: Old Navy, $4 (clearance)
Vintage Dress: Leslie Fay, thrifted, $1.70
Boots: St. John's Bay, thrifted, $4.60
Bracelet: ??
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Whoah, Fashion Frugality on location. I know you're shocked to see me step away from my front door. I convinced my boyfriend to take a few photos for me outside while our lasagna was cooking. It didn't take much to convince him considering it was so sunny and, dare I say it, WARM outside!

28/30: A Touch of Spring

The only disadvantage to having my boyfriend take my photos? I ended up talking to him the entire time so my mouth looks wonky in nearly every photo. The other photos? I'm giggling in all of those thanks to something silly he said. :)

28/30: A Touch of Spring

This dress has given me silky dress fever for spring. Expect a post on that soon! I'm determined to find some affordable options for us!


  1. You are such a doll! I love the 'on location' pics. I opened the page and was so giddy to see you outside your apartment! :)

  2. Cute outside pics....I love the dress pattern and the how the cardi ties....I know how you feel about this weather...I am MORE than sick of this....cmon warm weather....lets get a move on!!! Doesnt it kill you when you see bloggers already sporting strappy sandals?? hahaha

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Free People Giveaway!!♥

  3. Love these outside shots, and the print on your dress is gorgeous! x

  4. that last shot is so much fun - it looks like you were caught mid-skip. i'm ready for spring too ... it can't come fast enough.

  5. Awww, show us that real smile! ;) Love that dress!

  6. I can't believe that dress was less then $2! What a great find!!!

  7. Your face! That smile! Those glasses I've so missed! I'm so glad you're back, Katie. :) I love that dress just as much as last time you wore it. Maybe more. The pattern is gorgeous.

  8. Beautiful dress Katie, you look so pretty! <3


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