January 17, 2011

Pizza and Board Games

One of my so-called resolutions for the new year was to "keep it real" - And when I say keep it real, I mean to not worry so much whether something is particularly "fashionable" or not before I post it here. We can't all be fashion models every single day, so why feel like we should!? Onto this weekend ensemble...

Keeping it real (01/15/11)
Sweater: Mossimo Supply Co, Thrifted, $2 (though I bought it with a gifted gift card... so free, sort of!)
Jeans: Old Navy, $10
White Scarf: Apt 9, Kohl's
Gold Scarf: ?, Plato's Closet
Boots: American Eagle, FREE (a co-worker gave them to me!)
Satchel: Nilo (in tan), Mimi Boutique, FREE (won in a giveaway on their facebook page!)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Keeping it real here in Michigan means keeping warm. I'm at the point in this season known as winter where I am so. ready. to. be. done. with. it. I can't take the cold anymore! Snow is fine. Snow is pretty. Snow I can handle. But the cold? Oh my goodness, so sick of it. I'm sure all of you cold weather ladies can relate.

My new Nilo satchel from Mimi Boutique!

How about this bag? Gorgeous, right? I've been craving the perfect camel tan satchel for the longest time and then, bam, I find out I won this amazing bag from Mimi Boutique! I was over the moon, to say the least.

It has quickly become my go-to bag. It goes with so much... even black, which, if you've paid attention, I've had my issues with mixing the two colors together. This bag was the perfect extra dose of medicine I needed to get over that!

Can't wait to show her off more... I did just a few quick pictures here because we were actually on our way to my older brother's house for a night of pizza and Scattergories.

Hope you guys had a great weekend!


  1. ADORABLE. I love the boots, I can't believe they were free :) Lucky girl!

  2. I think you look so fabulous! Comfy, casual & cute!!

  3. i must be crazy....i kind of love the cold! totally hate hot weather.

    that purse is all kinds of great! very cute and big enough to stash tons of stuff! :)

  4. LOVE the bag..and the "keeping it real outfit".....as a fellow Michigan blogger...I hear ya sister...its so cold it hurts to breathe outside:(

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Lulus Giftcard Giveaway!!♥

  5. the bag is so cute! i love the color1 your outfit is so chic and causal

  6. that bag is amazing! wow. and here in iowa my no. 1 goal is to stay warm, too!

  7. Hi! I'm a new follower. Love your bag so much!

  8. Thanks for keeping it real! I was tempted to post a pick of me in overly casual mama clothes but I wasn't brave enough.

  9. Love the browns and greens in this outfit! That bag is divine. And I'm a glasses wearer, too! Yay to rocking those frames!

    Kristine. Or Polly.

  10. I love your cute casual look! And that bag is hot! I want it! lol

  11. What a great win! That's the perfect go-to bag and it looks like it fits all the essentials! Looks great with that shade of green too.

  12. Hey! Just wanted to let you know that we've planned a Michigan blogger meet-up on Friday, Feb 11 in Ann Arbor. More details: http://wp.me/ph1hP-1a5 Hope you can come :)

  13. I agree that some days you just have to be real and that some days, ok a lot of days here in WI, being warm trumps style.
    You still look put together and cute! I LOVE the bag!

  14. I LOVE that bag! And I agree that we can't be fashion plates everyday, it's nice to see "real" outfits. :)

  15. So fancy! Totally digging the that bag girl!




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