January 14, 2011

FBFF: Outfit Selection

Peek inside my closet!

This week's Friend Friday is getting in touch with how we select our outfits. I would say I am semi-organized when it comes to putting together looks... I consider myself smack dab between the "walk into your closet in the morning and put something together" girls and the "I have my outfits planned on a monthly basis in my planner" girls. I take a little bit from each side...

1. How do you determine what you will wear that day? I determine what I am going to wear the night before. I've tried the "what do I feel like wearing today" plan because I actually do prefer to go with what I am feeling on THAT exact day... but it just does not work for me. I end up standing in my closet, ticked off, unable to find the exact thing I am looking for to wear. It always seems to happen that the exact thing I want to wear is waiting to be washed. Of course. SO, that is why it is necessary for me to pick my clothes out the night before. I would never make it to work on time if I did not pre-plan. That being said, I do it on a nightly basis. I typically start thinking about what I'm going to wear the next day around 7pm.

2. Do you plan outfits out in advance for a whole week, month,
I don't plan outfits for a whole week, month or weekend. It's just not my thing. I've never actually tried doing this, to be honest, but I don't think it would work well for me. I tend to dress in accordance with how I feel... which is obviously not something I can plan on a month in advance (though it would be great if I could). I will admit that sometimes outfit ideas pop into my head and I store them away for the kind of day I would like to wear them - rainy, tired, easy, etc.

3. Do you have any specific way of tracking outfits and items already worn so you don't repeat? Nope. I actually know of someone who keeps an excel list of each item of clothing and the last time she wore it so she cycles through properly. That's much too constricting to me. I will admit that I'm not the greatest remixer on a daily basis, but I'm not AGAINST it to the point where I need to be sure not to wear the same piece twice in any given amount of time. Not my thing. Actually, to be completely honest, I tend to "track" by seeing what is in the wash/what I just washed and just my old noggin. I can remember what I have worn for any given day for quite some time - it's just something I tend to remember.

4. How do you discover new combinations of items in your closet?
(Trial try-ons? Hanging items together?)
I generally discover new combinations just by thinking them up... My closet is organized by color so I don't really discover many new combos in there (basically, they're usually arranged the same way all the time). If I am wondering if something works together, however, I do hang the pieces together. One downfall I have is never trying my outfits on the night before though I put them together the night before. This can sometimes create chaos in the morning if the look ends up not going together.

5. To streamline the process for 2011 what is one new thing you can do to cut down your dressing time? Going back to what I just said - I could do myself a good service if I tried on my outfit for the next day the night before when I pick it out. That way I know everything looks good together, feels good and just works. Another big thing I could do is clear out my closet. I've been doing this slowly but surely but I'm not quite there yet. I know there are so many more things I could get rid of but just don't have the heart to do so yet. I'm working on it! :)

Interested in joining in on the conversation? Click here to read Modly Chic's responses and a link list of other fashionable bloggers!


  1. Whenever I try to go with the flow the morning of, I spend forever looking for THAT dress only to realize it's in the washer.

    Lovely isn't it?

  2. Hi doll....I agree about the trying on ahead of time...Ive put a few outfits on, and lets just say it looks better on the hanger than me....lol...love your answers:)

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  3. Fun Q&A, darling!

    I need to clean out my closet too...


  4. hooray, a peek into your closet! lol - i love seeing how people organize their things. i also need to get rid of a few more things - i'm going to try to run though stuff until there's only things i 'hate' left to wear, and then get rid of those.

  5. I know that feeling of standing in front of the closet trying to figure it all out. I do a little preplanning, but probably not as well as you!
    The old noggin is perfect for keeping track of outfits. Anything else is just too much work, right?

    The Auspicious Life

  6. I feel you, I feel you. Honestly I get kinda stressed out if I don't try on my outfit the night before. I tend to wake up at the LAST possible minute so there's really no time to rethink an outfit!

  7. If I try and pick out my clothes the night before I am never happy with them when I wake up. It could have something to do with the growth in volume that my hair goes through overnight. It really does change everything... or maybe I am just rationalizing how picky I am in the morning.

  8. I also love getting my outfits ready the night before...Those are such a great tips:) Have a fantastic day,sweetie

  9. I wish I could plan my outfits the night before. I am totally a modd dresser (even if I try to think of something the day before) and usually end up changing my mind in the morning, finding out that the garment is dirty (or missing) and then in turn getting pissy and running late to work! LOL!


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