January 24, 2011

Miscellany Monday: Under the Weather

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today so I thought I would join in on Miscellany Monday instead. You know it's not good when you don't even have the energy to set up your tripod... I haven't been sick in a while so this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

SOUP If you follow me on twitter, you've probably already realized I have an obsession with soup. I could eat it everyday. It's probably my favorite way to consume vegetables. Cook them up, add a bunch of garlic, and puree it. Works for me. I gathered up the energy to cook this creamy broccoli and white bean soup tonight. I found the recipe in my Whole Living magazine. It's amazing. I highly recommend adding more onion and garlic... but that's just how I naturally roll. (P.S. I hate beans. Pureed beans? I'm ok with those. My stick blender is my best friend.)

SHOES I need new shoes. OK, I don't need need new shoes, I just want them. Honestly, though, I'd like to add a pair of suede black boots to my closet but I feel like every single pair of shoes I buy lately is black. I think that's just winter for me though. I tend to just wear black shoes during the winter.

WINTER As much as I love my winter coats... Please go away, winter, and bring spring in your place. I'm sick of sitting in front of a space heater every second of the day. Seriously, I even have one at work. I want to open my windows, air out my apartment and breathe some fresh air. Plus, my cat misses talking to the squirrels through my windows.

SPEAKING OF MY CAT He is fantastic... and I will leave you with a little bit of photographic evidence to let you in on how fantastic he is. Behold my Ernie in all his Sunday snoozy splendor:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

BRETON STRIPES What are you wearing tomorrow? I hope you plan on wearing breton stripes because then you can join in on the fun at Every Body, Every Wear. I actually don't own any breton stripes so I ended up DIYing myself some. You can read more about that tomorrow... so long as I'm feeling better and don't end up spending the day in bed. :)


  1. zzzzzomg!!!!! that kitty face!!!! hahaha, so cute!

  2. more onion, more garlic & stick blender?! those are my three favourite things in the kitchen. you're welcome there any time

    also, in a synchronistic fashion, this post was right under yours in my reader. sounds like it's right up your alley for today.


    get to feeling better soon!!

  3. Super cute kitty...Im a soup lover too....:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Editor, The Fashion 411 Magazine♥

  4. Thanks for the great recipe! I'm a soup and a bean lover, so this sounds fantastic!

    And your kitten is freaking adorable!

  5. OMG. Your soup paragraph made me really crave soup. YUM! And I, too, like a lot of onion and garlic... Snd your cat is adorable!!

    Kristine. Or Polly.

  6. Great blog! May participate in the breton stripe.

    Thanks for sharing,


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