January 6, 2011

Black & White: To The Max

Just a little quickie today because my camera and I were not on good terms yesterday. The weather this week has caused me to hole up inside. It's been snowy, dark and dreary... all. week. long. It doesn't make for very good photos, I know.

Black & White to the max... 01/05/11
Black Sweater: Forever21 (old, old, olddddd)
Black/White Gingham Dress: Coldwater Creek, Thrifted
White Top: Forever21
Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
White Belt: Thrifted, $1
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

You're probably wondering what part of my outfit is the piece from that dark hole of my closet that I never wear. It's the sweater. Remember when long sweaters were cool and all the rage? Yeah, a long, long time ago. I've had this sweater since then. My boyfriend I have been dating for nearly nine years and I know I bought it right around the time I met him (actually, I think I bought it to wear on one of our first few dates!) so, yeah, it's THAT old. Why do I still own it? Sentimental reasons. OK, I put it out there, I'm one of those people. I couldn't let this sweater for for the pure fact that I bought it around the time he and I started dating so it always brings me back to those days.

Honestly, I have probably not worn this sweater for years. It's been moved from apartment to apartment to apartment in the last four years. It's gone with me to college and back. And yet I haven't worn it for years. Is that silly or what? But, you know what? I like it worn with this dress! I think it looks pretty darn good! Long sweater over long dress? Yes, please!

Do you have pieces in your closet that you haven't worn for years but just can't seem to let go? What is your reasoning?


  1. I love that long dress! People don't wear long dresses near enough anymore, in my opinion. I've been staying inside as much as possible too. When it's cold it's just so hard to make yourself go outside and take outfit photos.

  2. Oh, I love that dress! and the sweater is amazing. you've gotta whip it out more often. I think it would look FAB paired with jeans and high boots!

    my closet is overflowing with stuff like this. I NEVER get rid of anything. I recently moved and was forced to get rid of stuff, but not nearly as much as I probably should have! My philosophy is I am saving myself money in teh long run because I won't have to re-buy stuff when it comes back in style. Lol! (sad, I know!)

  3. Aw, I have things like that. I remember the long sweater thing -- you really managed to rework it with that long dress! I love it.

  4. Umm yes please!! I will have that black and white dress!! So gorgeous, of course its thrifted! HA!!
    I would have no clue that you were growing your hair out, I love it!!


  5. I think it's awesome when you can bust out and oldie but goodie like that. It DOES look great with that dress. I have a brown sweater that length that I've kept at work for the last 6 years. I'm now inspired to bring it home and play around with it.

    And that one thing I can't seem to part with? That high waisted, high drama skirt I wore in my remix, http://tinyurl.com/3639lky . I bought it for my friend's wedding 4 years ago. Note to self: must wear more often.

  6. I think that the long sweater and dress combo looks really good. I love when you do black and white pairings because it seems to me to be quintessentially you. It's like your signature. You look great!

    I have held on to things that "have meaning" but recently I've been throwing them out if they don't fit anymore, or at least packing them away for posterity.


  7. LOVE the long dress....I too am going to have to move my pics inside...no daylight:(

    You look great!

  8. I'm INTO long sweaters right now! I love this!

  9. That dress is great! I love the length, and it really does look super cute with the really long sweater. so vintage-inspired, too!

    i would have to say that the items in my closet that I can't get rid of are my jeans (bc they are so comfy once they're broken-in) and my sweatshirts (for the same reason). Not to mention that then I get attached..

    *Claudia* x
    Molto ❤ Fashion

  10. Love this look!
    The gingham dress is fabulous!


  11. i TOTALLY remember the long sweater phase and YES(!) I definitely had one :)

  12. I wish I did. I have no soul when it comes to clothes. I purge my closet at least 4 times a year, and never look back. I'm even the person my friend's call when the need to clean out their closets. Give me a bottle of wine, a full length mirror, and I can get any girl to minimize her closet.

  13. I have one old sleeveless top that a high school boyfriend gave to me. I would love to get rid of it, for that reason exactly, but I love the pattern. It's always reminded me of a vintage Pucci print...so I just can't make myself throw it out.

    Love your long dress! :)

  14. I am the exact same way with my clothes! I have sentimental reasons to keep just about every piece in my closet, even though I never wear half of them! You aren't alone :)


  15. That long sweater is the perfect compliment for that long dress. Great pairing.

    The Auspicious Life

  16. I'm glad you held onto the sweater - it's perfect for this outfit!

    I have a blouse from college that I can't seem to let go. It's orange and slightly sheer with the prettiest embroidery on it. It's too big for me now, but I can't bear to get rid of it.


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