January 25, 2011

Every Body, Every Wear: Breton Stripes

Let me preface this by telling you I'm sick today. I'm looking a bit disheveled in this picture and I apologize. That happens when you're not all there and kind of rushing because all you want to do is jump into your pajamas. (Oh! P.S. I need a hair cut really bad too. And I haven't vacuumed in a while. Hey, it happens. OK, now you know everything.)

Breton Stripes: 01/25/11
Top: Mossimo, Thrifted ions ago (and then DIYed)
Skirt: Isaac Mizrahi for Target, Target, bought ions ago
Tights: ??
Shoes: Naturalizer, Thrifted ions ago
Belt: ??, Thrifted, $1
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Did you know that today is Breton Stripes day over at Every Body, Every Wear? Well, now you do. And to be honest - I didn't exactly know what breton stripes were when I first heard about this. A little research led me to believe that they are normally: horizontal and evenly spaced. They also usually come by way of a boat neck top and don't usually start their pattern at the top of the shirt. I didn't own anything like this so I did a quick DIY version using an old top that I had in my donate pile...

Breton Stripes: 01/25/11

Not much of an tutorial is needed for this one: Grab a top, grab a Sharpie/Marker/Whateva and something straight and get to stripe making. I couldn't find my ruler so I used a Christmas card. It worked. I also started not feeling well the night I made this so I stuck a magazine inside the shirt and did it in bed while watching How I Met Your Mother. I do recommend sticking something between your shirt while you do this so nothing leaks on the back - unless that is the look you are going for. :)

Breton Stripes: 01/25/11

Not too shabby, right? I like the way the lines look messy - I personally did that on purpose. I intended to go over each line to make them darker but it got late, I was tired and sick and so it is what it is. I think, looking at it now, I like it as is because it's very subtle so it's easy to pair with anything without it looking messy, you know what I mean?

And, as usual, bring on the pattern mixing:

Breton Stripes: 01/25/11

Breton Stripes: 01/25/11


  1. i LOVE that you made your shirt! it's so special to have something that's one-of-a-kind. i want to try that. :)

  2. Someone wrote me last week that they didn't have a striped shirt. I joked that they should take a sharpie to a white tee and get busy. YOU actually did it and it looks like you bought it that way!
    As the only one who made their own shirt today, I think you deserve some kind of award. I don't have awards, so I'll give you a high five. A virtual high five!

    The Auspicious Life

  3. I said it on twitter, but I am SO impressed with your DIY. It's so cute and looks like some expensive designer piece. Very cool!

  4. Awesome job on your shirt! I seriously need to learn some improvisation and DIY tips from you, pronto. I actually have a project that I've been meaning to do, now is the time! Thanks for the inspiration today!

  5. You're fabulous! I never would have thought (1) that you made this yourself, or (2) to even be able to do this! You are totally inspiring me to DIY my future must-haves!

    I'm sure you know this website already, but if you've never checked out http://www.psimadethis.com, I think you'll love it! So much DIY fun!

  6. How supremely creative-- making your own Breton stripes? Love it.

  7. Great idea hunnie....so sorry you arent feeling well....

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Editor, The Fashion 411 Magazine♥

  8. wow. my first reaction would be to run out and buy it - not make it! and so simple, too! :D

  9. okay so i improvised with a lame scarf, but making your own breton stripes? brilliant! love this look!


  10. You are so awesome! I love this DIY, it looks great!

  11. what what?! you made that top! It looks great! and I love those tights and shoes!


  12. That's such an awesome, easy, random DIY that it makes me want to laugh. How come no one else thought of that? It's so simple! And that's what makes you a genius.
    You go, you genius, you.

  13. SHUT UP! You are the coolest! I am so impressed. My mouth literally dropped open when I read that you DIYed that.

  14. You did a great job on that shirt. I never would have known you did it yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  15. Love the outfit--great work and feel better!


  16. Way to go friend! I love that you made your own Breton Striped Tee! Not only that - but then the pattern mixing? Love it!

  17. cute! very clever idea.


  18. Cannot believe you made that shirt. That. Is. Awesome.

  19. Great look and DIY. Love your skirt too! x

  20. I LOVE that you DIYed your own top for Stripes day! Definitely the most resourceful outfit I've seen so far! And from that first picture I'd never have guessed. Love the pattern mixing too

  21. i'm sick too and you look way better than i do! way to rock it for both of us!

  22. i love your glasses, the little cat-eye. so cute! :)


  23. Clever, clever! What an inspired idea! I love how the lines are drawn on the way you did. And the pattern mix with the red and grey plaid and the patterned tights? wonderful.
    I keep writing comments on everybody's blog saying how upset I am that I overlooked Stripes Day! And, every time I see another fabulous interpretation of a stripe, it makes me all the more mad that I forgot to participate!

  24. I can't believe you made this, Katie! I never would've guessed! You win, obviously. I know it's not a contest but you still win.


  25. ooh this is a fantastic idea. I too am liking the slightly jagged look of the lines. And I am loving those adorable shoes and tights together. Great outfit! xx veronika

  26. How fun! What a unique DIY :)



  27. oh, you win. your shirt is fabulous. and i think your belt and mary janes must belong to me. well, maybe not THEM, but their identical twin sisters. i love your entire ensemble.
    http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (my daily outfit blog)


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