November 25, 2010

30 for 30: Day THIRTEEN (11/24/10)

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! I'm a bit behind on posting this outfit because I had an early Thanksgiving dinner to attend last night. Yes, that means I am extra blessed and double stuffed on the Thanksgiving goodies!

I don't know why I have waited so long to wear this gingham shirt. I have worn it constantly since I bought it years ago at Old Navy. If there is one item that I constantly remix on a normal basis, it's this shirt.

30 for 30: Day THIRTEEN (11/24/10)
Black Dress: (Worn as a skirt) Karen Kane, Thrifted
Black/White Gingham Shirt: Old Navy
Tan Vest: Worthington, JCPenney (clearance): $5.97
Socks: Very old
Shoes: Joan and David Too Black Heeled Oxfords, Thrifted: $5.20
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I think I may need to break down and read the manual to my camera to figure out how to take better photos inside. I'm positive my camera can do better than this if it had a more knowledgeable user behind it. :) For now, you have to deal with this - I apologize.

30 for 30: Day THIRTEEN (11/24/10)

I have finally jumped on the socks and shoes bandwagon. If you know me well, you would know that I am not usually a socks kind of girl. The vast majority of my shoes are shoes that you would not need to wear socks/hose with. I have always liked being barefoot. That being said - I think I may be broadening my horizons. I've spied so many inspiring looks online lately where you all pair adorable socks with your shoes. I wouldn't say I exactly have a very wide selection of socks, but these are probably my favorite pair. They have a nice design and are comfortable - what more could I ask for.

I'll admit, the socks with shoes, bare legs and skirt look made me feel a bit like a 5th grade school girl but I felt a bit better after getting some sweet compliments on the look from the girls at work. It's always nice to hear good words about a look you're new to trying, am I right?

30 for 30: Day THIRTEEN (11/24/10)

Ernie decided he could no longer stay away from fashion. He had to get in today's photo. He declined from having his face photographed but you can view his very fashionable uber-furry tail in the photograph above. :)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. Kudos on implementing something new. I love socks, especially knee-highs. I can't bring myself to wear them to work paired with a mini-skirt because I've been able to purchase alcohol legally for wayyyy to many decades, and those knees... But I'll wear them to see my friends because ultimately, I have no shame.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Socks and go girl!! I think you look adorable...and I cant tell you how many times I have something gingham or plaid in my hands at the store and wind up putting it looks so cute on everyone..I just dont think it will look cute on me, lol

    Happy Turkey Day dollie...we really must MEET soon....Id love it:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Spotted Moth Giveaway♥

  3. Hmmm... I have that shirt in blue. I will have to watch how you style it. I like it with that vest!

    The Auspicious Life

    Enjoy your double dose of Thanksgiving!

  4. that shirt is on my list of things to buy when the challenge is over!

  5. I'm so proud of you for trying socks with shoes!! You have inspired me to try it sometime! :)

  6. i must also chime in and say that you've inspired me - i'm planning the socks and shoes look on monday!


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