November 29, 2010

30 for 30: Day FIFTEEN (11/29/10)

OK, admit it, you guys thought I gave up on the challenge. I didn't! I swear! I know I normally post Monday-Friday but Friday was so crazy with Black Friday shopping that I never had a chance to photograph my outfit and post it. This is how my Thanksgiving-Black Friday went: Wake up 8am Thanksgiving morning, eat/eat/eat/eat, leave my brother's house at 10pm, sit around for a few hours (note: no sleeping), drive to my mom's house at 2am and begin our shopping at Kohl's at 3am. Yes, we are hardcore Black Friday shoppers. (My main purchase was a new set of pillows. Watch out! Wild woman on the loose!)

Onto today and getting back on track!

30 for 30: Day 15 (11/29/10)
Hot Pink Shirt Dress: No tag, Thrifted
Black Braided Belt: No tag, Thrifted
Opaque Black Tights: Merona, Target, $7
Black Shoes: Joan and David Too, Thrifted, $5.20

I love the color of today's dress. You would love it too if I could have photographed this outside to show you the true color... but just pretend you love it too. :) It's hot pink and it has pockets and the skirt is perfectly full anddddd it has pockets.

I figured for its first appearance within my remix, I would keep it pretty simple. My favorite black braided belt, opaque black tights and oxfords completed the look.

30 for 30: Day 15 (11/29/10)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. Great dress! I actually kind of like your bed-top photos too - they look artsy & fun.

  2. dresses with pockets ftw - also ftw are your pillowcases, and the bedspread. you srsly love houndstooth and i want to steal your paisley! so awesome.

  3. Cute pic shot:) I never though t you gave sometimes gets in the way, look the dress!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  4. Great dress. I bet you were a show-stopper in that red dress! Also, any dress with pockets is amazing.

    The Auspicious Life

  5. Love love love the dress! Such a statement piece! And thrifted? Even better!

  6. I don't have to pretend. I DO love it. The length is great. I find shirt dresses are often too short but I love the length here. Great thrift find!

  7. Love the color of that dress!

  8. The dress looks awesome belted at the waist and love the pockets on the front too. The colour looks more coral than pink I don't know if it's just the picture I'm guessing it would look different in person.

  9. Congrats on surviving black friday! I didn't go out shopping that day, it scares me too much, lol! Anyhow, I am in love with the color of that dress, so gorgeous!



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