November 15, 2010

30 for 30: Day SIX (11/15/10)

It was a bare bones kind of day. There are certain days I enjoy getting all gussied up and there are certain days where I'd like to feel like I am wearing pajamas (without actually wearing them, of course). Today was a pajamas kind of day.

30 for 30: Day SIX
Shirt: Mossimo Supply Co, Target: ?
Pants: Express Design Studio Black Wide Leg Pants, Thrifted: ?
Belt: Came with dress (which is also in my remix!)
Boots: Xhilaration Tie Up Boots, Thrifted: $8.99
Bracelets: One was a gift, The bangles are from Forever21
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

30 for 30: Day SIX

30 for 30: Day SIX

What do you like to wear when you aren't in the mood to be dolled up? I work in a professional office so I obviously still have to keep my look office-ready. Today was supposed to be the warmest day of the week so I figured I better enjoy short sleeves outside while I can. I hear snow is in our future a few days from now...

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. sometimes the simplest outfits are the best. i do love the belt. oh, and my glasses are SEE also! they're the best!

  2. You are just gorgeous. ;) And your photos are always so vivid and crisp-- I love em.

    And today was a pj day. :)

  3. i love that feeling of putting on an outfit and feeling pajama-comfy! i love this look - especially that belt/tie on the pants!

  4. leggings and oversized sweater is my must have when i dont feel like dressing up

  5. OOOO those pants are marvelous! Work it girl!

  6. I have to be office ready all the time, too! I hate when I don't feel well because I end up reaching for comfy clothes that are fine separately but compiled together make me look frumpy. Bleh!

    You pull the white tee-black pants chic and comfy look off well, though. That belt is a great detail!

  7. I seem to have that feeling all the time. I've become a huge fan of leggings recently for days like that. Pull them on with a huge sweater and I'm good to go. I love your glasses, by the way!

  8. I really like those bangles. I am a huge fan of black and silver lately! love the simplicity of your outfit. :)


    Kirstin Marie

  9. OMG snow? Ill die......geeze..its coming soon isnt it??

    LOVE your bracelets and super cute little tie belt....I think you look great hunnie:)

    BTW....I ADORE PJ days too!!!

    Stop by and say Hello♥

    Have you heard about Twitter Tuesday?♥

  10. When I'm in that kind of mood it's hoody's all the way and jeans and converse.

  11. I know your blog is all about clothes but I absolutely love your hair. It's so chic!
    Wearing It On My Sleeves


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