November 12, 2010

30 for 30: Day FIVE (11/12/10)

Oh, black and white. A mixture that never lets me down... or anyone for that matter. If I let myself, I could live in a swirl of black and white everything. It's just so easy and yet looks so good. I'll be honest, I like easy. Black and white always looks fashionable yet there isn't a lot of thought involved. Personally, I live for that type of outfit. Black and white always reminds me of France where literally every single person looks amazing yet effortless. I went to France twice while in high school (school trips) and not once has it left my mind.

30 for 30: Day Five (11/12/10)
Top: Black/White Stripe, Mossimo, Target, $12.99
Jeans: Xhilaration Dark Blue Skinny Jeans, Target, clearance
Shoes: Unlisted Black Low Top Tie Up Shoes, Thrifted: $2.49
Scarf: Black/White Houndstooth, Plato's Closet
Black Metal Earrings: Thrifted ions ago
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Casual day at work - I know it's hard to tell here, but these are dark denim jeans. I wanted to be comfortable today above all else - Fridays are busy for me at work anyway but coupled with the fact that we were closed yesterday makes things especially crazy. I didn't want to worry about feeling constricted/uncomfortable in whatever I was wearing on top of all of that.

This top fit the bill perfectly. You may have noticed that it is rare for me to buy something that is neither A) thrifted or B) over $10. It's true. But I had been searching for a black and white stripe top for what seemed like ages when I came across this one at Target. It was on sale for $12.99. I was so sold. I think I can handle paying a bit more for something every once in a while. You laugh, but I have come to notice that I often need to remind myself that it is ok to spend more on certain items at certain times.

30 for 30: Day Five (11/12/10)
This is when you ignore my problematic skin. :)

One of my favorite pairs of earrings. I am almost completely sure I bought these on one of my very first thrifting trips so, so many years ago. It's shocking I have yet to lose one or both - I am terrible at keeping track of earrings - but I guess that goes to show you how much I love them. They are the perfect size, the perfect dangle, the perfect shape - for me, anyway.

30 for 30: Day Five (11/12/10)

Comfortable, scuffed up shoes? Check. I swear that not a day goes by without me adding scuffs to all of my shoes. I don't even know how or when this happens! Ah well... it adds character, right?

30 for 30: Day Five (11/12/10)


  1. Cute! I love those shoes, or are they boots? I need some of those....I like houndstooth and stripes together.

  2. I love your pattern mixing. You make it look so easy that I feel I ought to give it a go!

  3. Cute outfit of stripes...Im crushing on stripes BIGTIME right the mixed print of the look great!!

    Im going to add your link to my blog sidebar, k? lol...

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
    Join Me for Twitter Tuesday!

  4. You played nicely with the different patterns.I really like the shoes!

  5. Love all those black and white shades!!
    and the pied de coq scarve is amazing!
    I have one too!


  6. The black and white looks chic. Nice pick with the houndstooth scarf beautifully classic check.

  7. love love love the houndstooth with the stripes - wouldn't have been brave enough to pull it off, but it looks fantastic! double plus for keeping it black & white, any sort of bright colour might have been too much. <3

  8. The stripes with the houndstooth? GENIUS and so unexpected!

    Another great look!!

  9. Eeep! I love all the black and white mixing! What fun. Especially digging the cute scarf. Congrats on undertaking 30 for 30! I only wish I were so bold.

  10. I love how you mixed patterns. Very unexpected. Looks fantastic.


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