November 17, 2010

30 for 30: Day EIGHT (11/17/10)

I'm going to be honest... I hated my outfit today. I was pretty jazzed about it last night but once I put it on this morning, I was sorely disappointed. Apparently I have either never realized that these pants are too big on me or I have suddenly lost weight. I'm going to guess that I've just ignored the fact that they are too big on me because I only wear them every so often. Case point: Having too many clothes causes the "ignorance" disease. Because you only wear a certain piece every so often, you're more likely to overlook its flaws. Not good. I love these pants dearly - we all know I have quite the love affair with houndstooth - but it's not worth keeping them when they don't fit nicely. They will be getting donated when the remix is complete.I know they look semi-decent in this picture. I'm hiding how baggy that are in me.

30 for 30: Day EIGHT (11/17/10)
Black Sweater: Moda International, Thrifted, $4.99
White Tie Neck Blouse: Alicia, Thrifted, $2.99
Houndstooth Pants: Merona, Thrifted
Shoes: Joan and David Too Black Heeled Oxfords, Thrifted, $5.20
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

30 for 30: Day EIGHT (11/17/10)

30 for 30: Day EIGHT (11/17/10)

Do you suffer from the closet ignorance disease? Sometimes it's really hard to get rid of clothes, isn't it? I always worry I will think of a great way to wear something once I get rid of it. (That was pure hoarder speak right there, seriously. Wow. Ha ha.)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. love this! very chic and sophisticated. love bow-tie shirts AND hounds tooth pattern!

  2. Well I love your outfit! The black & white is classic & fabulous!

  3. i love love love that bow tie top!

  4. i have the closet denial more than ignorance. i finally got rid of a pair of pants that were too large, after being sad for a couple of months & dreading putting them into the donation pile. they were so comfy, but waaaay to big & loose in the waist and butt area. the worst is when people remember your clothing pieces for you & bring them up, and you've gotten rid of them!

  5. I love those shoes!

    and yes, i have so many things in my closet that i feel like should fit me and then i go to wear them and they just don't my size has fluctuated alot in the last year or so - so its completely understandable. The jeans I'm wearing now would have fallen off of me a year ago.


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