November 22, 2010

30 for 30: Day ELEVEN (11/22/10)

Was it rainy in your part of town today? Sleeping while raining = A+. Having to get out of bed and go to work while it's raining = D. Especially on a Monday, am I right?
30 for 30: Day 11 (11/22/10)
Black/White Stripe Turtleneck: Mossimo, Target, $12.99 (on sale)
Vintage Black/White Dress: BGB Ltd, Thrifted
Black Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
White Patent Belt: Unknown, Thrifted, $1.00
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I'm about as lackluster as they come today. I have a pile of things to do and grocieries to buy but all I feel like doing is laying in bed and reading a good book or watching a movie.

30 for 30: Day 11 (11/22/10)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. those boots look so comfy in the legs ... (jealous face)

  2. Oh, it was rainy. And hard to get out of bed. I like the mix of patterns - the striped turtleneck looks great with the dress.

    The Auspicious Life

  3. I love how you layered these pieces! The dress, stripes and boots are the perfect combo. And the white belt is such a great alternative to a black one.


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