May 23, 2011

Simple Black Shirt Dress

The weather has been so gosh darn rainy around here lately! I apologize for my lack of outfit posts but, I'll be honest, when it's constantly rainy and dank, I don't feel like getting gussied up, let alone taking photos at the end of the day when my outfit and hair is a mess anyway. It happens.

Today I went all black... there was supposed to be scattered storms and, boy, was there ever! This is how today went: sunshine on, sunshine off, dark & scary skies on and rain, rain, rain, rain, repeat from start. I swear I don't think I have ever seen such a difference - and so many times all day!

WIW: 05/23/11
Dress: Double Zero, Thrifted, ?
Black Tank: ?, Kmart, ?
Shoes: Aerosoles, Thrifted, $4.99
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I lightened my photos up a bit today so you could see more of the detail on the dress. It's not much - a few little pockets and a long belt that is connected to the dress which bows in front - but still cute details, right?

WIW: 05/23/11

This is one of my favorite throw on dresses. It so easy to wear but I always feel really good in it. I don't seem to accessorize much when I wear all black... I like it to stand on it's own, personally.

Here is an "accessory" that you can't see in the photos above...

WIW: 05/23/11

If you follow me on twitter, you may have read this over the weekend: GAHHHH. Just caught my cat chewing another pair of my shoes. :( Kitty teeth marks - hottest new thing? Someone say yes. Um, yeah, this large furry monster started to eat my shoe:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

But, seriously, how mad can you be at something that cute?


  1. I know how you feel! So many of my heels have kitty teeth marks, among other things around the house. I've gone through 3 or 4 iPhone chargers because my kitty attacks the cords. Sigh :)

    Cute dress!


  2. Wow I've never seen or heard of a cat that chews on those! My cat gets away with so much stuff it's crazy! He pretty much pulls the carpet to sharpen his nails but he doesn't use the cat scrathers or the kitty carpet house I got him. I don't know what his problem is! haha

    I love the black dress though! I can't believe that was thrifted! Looks amazing and really good position.

  3. Oh I love this look!!

  4. I love this dress! So pretty.
    And the teeth marks - yikes! When my dog was a puppy (like 10 years ago) he chewed through so many pairs of my shoes that to this day I won't leave my shoes on the floor. :) Crazy huh? Of course when he got through with them, they weren't wearable, they were trash.

  5. Like the dress very much darling!

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    xx the cookies

  6. YOUR furry monster looks just like MY furry monster! And he chews, too; he goes for papers, like my kids' homework, instead of shoes, though.

    Love the dress. Love it.

  7. Awww I know how you feel... when my dog chews things, instead of killing him, I want to hug him. And I love your dress, very ladylike!

  8. heh...good thing your kitty is black- I always dread wearing black these days since I can't tell how much long grey fur is stuck to me until I get out into the harsh truth of daylight! That dress would take me forever to clear- it's classic though.

  9. Love the outfit, but those shoes are SO CUTE!!!! And, your cat is pretty adorable, too. He is so crazy!!

  10. i *love* that dress - the all black look is so timeless, and the little pockets on the front are darling.

    my cats do the same things, especially to other people's flip flops (i don't ever wear them). they're so stinkin' cute you can't get too mad at them, though.

  11. Very cute details on the dress. And I can you be mad at a cat that cute? My cat has chewed a lot of my stuff...headphones, phone charger, pretty much every pen I own (people probably think I chew my pen caps embarassing) but I can't really get mad when she looks at me and starts purring.

  12. I know I should be happy for you that you have a perfect black dress and equally perfect heels, all acquired on the cheap, but I am too jealous! Seriously WOW Katie. These pieces are so feminine and the black gives them some sexy edge.

  13. Love the dress!

    Totally sympathize about the shoes, my cats have destroyed at least 5 pairs since I got them.

  14. Oh my god my GIGI kitty is doing the same thing. Chewing on EVERYTHING! What is up with that? A perfect black dress is always a goodie, in fact I did that yesterday. Nice Job!

  15. Stunning dress. Love all black, and the Kitty . . . oh well. Those who love animals go directly to Go! And when you're not playing Monopoly . . . Heaven. : )


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