May 3, 2011

My April Thrift Finds

A while back I promised you a sneak peek at some of the pieces I picked up while thrift store shopping with Suze. And then I forgot. That's just how I roll. Well, I finally remembered and thought I would share a few photos of my finds with you today...

Thrift Haul from: April 16, 2011

Thrift Haul from: April 16, 2011

Thrift Haul from: April 16, 2011

Thrift Haul from: April 16, 2011

Thrift Haul from: April 16, 2011

The only piece missing from these photos is the dress I wore on Easter.

I don't think it should come as a shock to any of you who regularly read Miss Vinyl Ahoy that I would walk out of a shopping trip with her with a bag full of color. I aimed at adding some classic yet colorful pieces to my wardrobe this spring/summer and this trip helped me with that goal! I actually owe most of the credit for these pieces to Suze because she found most of them and demanded I buy them. I'm kidding. Kind of. :)

What was your favorite recent thrift store find?


  1. Oooh, love all these colors and prints!! I generally gravitate to the same sort of things while thrifting. I keep telling myself I'm going to get some cheap basics, but I so rarely do.

    I just thrifted some Dooney and Bourke bags and an Armani blazer, all for about $15. All that cheapness makes my heart sing! :)

  2. Ooh, a little jealous over here! I am in awe of all those colors and prints! Good job, girl.

  3. I love all the color! Usually when I thrift I wind up walking out with an armful of black and gray.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. Looks like you got some amazing stuff, can't wait to see it on you! :)

  5. i love the blue houndstooth! and the neon floral print next to it. maybe one of them will be your ebew pick for the floral round?!

  6. Wow, I love all of that color! And that houndstooth? I die!

  7. Can't wait to see it on you! the colours and patterns are so lovely!

  8. i love the photos and how colorful everything is! I recently bought an awesome purse from a shop, it's become a daily one.

  9. Perfect colors and prints for the season..cannot wait to see them modeled!!

  10. I haven't been thrifting in so long. I'm dying to go!

  11. Ooooh I am intrigued by that blue houndstooth!! Such an eclectic selection of beautiful patterns!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. (oops logged into my hotmail account above by mistake)

    So many pretty colors, can't wait to see more of these!

    As of late I haven't really found anything amazing- just sort of... average-ish haha.

    I just moved to LA County a few months ago and the thrift stores here are so packed! I feel like by the time I get there everything good has been picked through already 10x over. Can't wait for my first amazing find here though!

  14. I love all of these prints and colors! Gorgeous!


  15. How fun! Great colors and I do love me some houndstooth!

  16. Great haul! I am a recent convert to the joys of thrifting. My best find of late was this j. Crew skirt but you have me wanting some more color!


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