May 16, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend Outfit Recap

Oh, hi, Miss Blogger. Long time no type. I actually had every intention last week to post new stuff on Thursday and Friday (which, if you've noticed recently, I seem to never get the time to do lately!) but the kabosh was put on that by Blogger. Seems it worked out though. I planned to show you what I wore over Mother's Day weekend but it's perfect to tell you about today considering I didn't go to work and I barely got dressed today. See, everything happens for a reason.

Now, to that recap, shall we?

Jean Jacket: Rubbish, thrifted, $5.25
Skirt: Tagless, Thrifted, $1.25
Belt: Liz Claiborne, Thrifted, $1.00
White Tee: Mossimo, Target, ? (old)
Scarf: Tagless, Vintage sale @ church, $1.00
Heels: Shoes, Thrifted, ? (old)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

You'll have to pardon this in-the-middle-of-a-car-wash photo. My boyfriend and I were running late for my mom's Mother's Day dinner (seriously nothing new for us) so I had to have him snap a quick one after he washed his new car. Priorities, right? :)

I did a little something different with my hair since I had more time than I normally do when I get ready in the morning for, say, work. It had been a humid week here in Michigan so my hair was on the fritz already. I decided to help it along and take a little hair-spiration from Image Envy. (Psst! She's showing you how to get waves using a straightener today!) I already owned a "waving iron" so I gave it a go and it turned out to look not too shabby. I've normally only used this contraption when I've had longer hair so I'm surprised I walked away with no burns on my fingers. Here's a better photo of what it looked like...


And do I even need to tell you how much I love these shoes? One of my favorite pairs of thrifted shoes...


Moving on... I attended a small art/craft fair in Chelsea, Michigan with my parents and little brother on the Sunday after Mother's Day. It was sunny and supposed to be a pleasant 72 degrees that day so I kept it breezy but layered...

Skirt: New York and Company, Thrifted, ?
Grey Tee: Old Navy, Old Navy, $6 (on sale)
White Jean Jacket: GAP, Thrifted, ? (old)
Scarf: High Gloss Fashion, won in a giveaway at The Looks For Less!
Gladiator Sandals: Xhilaration, Target, ? (so, so old)

Light colors? Perfect in the sun. I'm in love with this new scarf, by the way. I won it as part of an amazing giveaway over at The Looks For Less and it is so vibrant in person. It's begging to be paired with pink the next time I wear it, right? Right. I received multiple compliments on it while walking around the craft fair. Compliments within the first few hours of wear? So nice!

Here's a better look at my sandals...


Telling you that I am in love with these sandals does not even describe it... I want to marry these sandals. I bought them years ago at Target and have worn them summer after summer. They are the perfect gladiator sandal and are comfortable to boot. I am so sad that they have never sold them again... especially considering my furry monster of a cat, Ernie, sunk his vicious teeth into them last summer so they have some kitty bites on the front of them now. Oh well. (Note: No toes were harmed in the biting of these sandals. He enjoyed them as a snack while I was at work one day.)

Did you guys have a good weekend?


  1. Great colors in both outfits! Love them for spring :)

  2. the waves look SO good!!! i want one!! although, i've had not good luck with hot things lately.

  3. So I am such a genius, I was like, "Tagless, never heard of that brand! Must find it!" before realizing that skirt was a nameless thrifted find. Sigh. Really love these looks though, Katie. You've done pastel and bright bold colors so well!

  4. Love the waves, they look great!

  5. That's a perfect mother's day outfit and I love the glasses!

  6. I love both of these outfits!! They are so flattering and so colorful!!!!

  7. Love love love! My faves? The pink ensemble on top, and those shoes are fab!!

  8. I love the waves! And your glasses are the prettiest! I simply adore the cats eye!


  9. Oh my goodness I love those scarves! You look fabulous.


  10. waving iron hair= great look

    and loving the royal blue skirt, both the colour and style :)

    ~ Em K

  11. very very very cute!!! love the hue of pink with the scarf, love! <3

    love, polly :))


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