May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend: Saturday Morning

I spent the majority of this weekend celebrating Mother's Day by spending some quality time with my mom. What better way to kick it off than with a church sale?! The church my parents have belonged to for years has put on a vintage sale every year around Mother's Day for the past two years. Last year we arrived a little late (thanks to me and my constant tardiness, oopsie!) and it seemed that everything had already been picked over. Even still, I picked up two necklaces and a couple of patterns.

We were a bit smarter about it this year - I arrived good and early at my parent's house, enjoyed a breakfast out with my mom and little brother and then we headed over to the sale. We were actually still 15 minutes early but that turned out to be ok because there was already a line forming at the door!

After having a nice chat with a garage-sale-loving older couple, the doors finally opened and everyone streamed inside. We headed downstairs first because this is where they were selling the jewelry and patterns last year - the two things I was interested in buying. Sure enough, the jewelry table was filled with gorgeous, vintage pieces. I'm pretty sure I was in heaven! See, I prefer to buy vintage jewelry anyday over anything new. It is usually better made and I love that it has already lived a life before it continues on with me. Plus, it's just more my style.

I nabbed a few pieces on my first go around at the jewelry table. Yes, I said my first go around. I like to wander back at any garage/estate/church sales I go to because I find I always miss something on the first round. Here's what I intially bought:

Vintage blue necklace - $5.00

The minute I laid my eyes on this stunner, I knew it had to be mine. I've told you before that blue and I don't always see eye to eye but this time we were on the same exact wavelength. I love all the different shades of blue in this necklace and the gold really works well with them, I think.


Next up is this pretty silver hinged bangle. I find that I can never own enough bangles... especially when they are silver (which I prefer over gold) and floral. OK, so this is my first floral one, but I still can't get enough of it! Especially at the price I bought it for!

Floral silver hinged bangle bracelet - $1.00

Finally, I made a beeline for this simple long strand of white beads. I like the fact that they have a slight design to them - they look like little white disco balls - and a soft sheen.

White "disco ball" long strand necklace - $0.50

After my trip to the jewelry table, my mom and I headed upstairs where they sell vintage scarves and various other fabric goods. Last year I bought the prettiest yellow daisy slip for $2 and this year I walked away with two scarves, a hankie (which I plan on framing to hang on a wall) and a fabulous vintage tie. I would love it if my boyfriend would wear the tie for me one day but it is absolutely not his style. I plan on wearing it as a belt. :)

Untagged cream/brown polka dot scarf - $1.00
Untagged floral silk scarf - $1.00

Luck & Happiness (am I right on that?) hankie - $1.00

Vintage cotton handmade tie - $0.50

Finally, I made my way back downstairs to have one more peek at the jewelry table and a gander at the vintage patterns. I find that I constantly buy patterns and never put them to use so I've tried cutting back on that until I use some of the ones I already own... well, I mean, I tried to at least. :) I ended up picking up only two patterns. I could have walked away with more but the others that I liked were sized much smaller than I am. I know you can figure out the size difference but I'm honestly a bit too lazy for that. I also picked up two more pieces at the jewelry table - a copper bracelet that I had my eyes on the first time around and an oversized locket that I had originally thought was $10 but was actually only $1! SCORE!

Vintage oversized silver locket - $1.00

Yep! It opens!

Copper cuff bracelet (hinges in back) - $6.00

Two vintage patterns - $0.25 each

All in all, it was a great morning! I always enjoy shopping with my mom. We have very different taste - she is more antique/shabby chic while I am more vintage-1960s-ish - but since you can find both style types at a vintage sale this worked for both of us!

Stay tuned to see what I wore the rest of Mother's Day weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow that first necklace is a stunner! I can't wait to see you wear it. Everything else is gorgeous too. :)

  3. These are amazing finds!!!!

  4. Love the bangle - and the price!

  5. omg that cotton handmade floral tie!! pure gold!

  6. OMG you hit a major jackpot! Love that locket! I've been looking for a gold locket for the longest time but haven't found it yet!

  7. This must be the tie! It will make an amazing belt!!



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