April 20, 2011

The Styleboard Outfit Post

I was feeling under the weather yesterday so I never took a photo of my outfit. I got to thinking today that that is such a shame because it was rather cute... The socks were really the main point of the outfit and I would hate for you guys not to see it in action. Instead of putting it all back on (aka - annoying), I opted to create a new styleboard on Kaboodle to show it off...

What I Wore:...
What I Wore:... by konde1kn

Dress: Merona, Thrifted (Similar to the one shown - buy it here!)
Sweater: Merona, Target (Similar to the own shown - buy it here!)
Socks: Fair Isle in Red, Ozone Socks, Won in a giveaway!
Shoes: Dolce Vita for Target, Target, $7.48 (clearance)
Earrings: Ocean Blue flower earrings, An Blath Paipeir, Won in a giveaway!

Are these socks amazing or what? I was really excited when I found out I won two free pairs of Ozone Socks from Second Time Around. In fact, I found out that I won on April 13th, Rachel sent my address and requested socks to Ozone on April 14th and I had the socks in my mailbox on April 18th! If that isn't great service, I don't know what is! Anyway, the second I saw these socks, I knew they had to be mine! I love their fair isle design and actually wouldn't mind getting them in the other colors too. I've only recently become a sock wearing kind of girl but these have absolutely made an impression on me. They're in my closet for keeps!

And the earrings... Please be sure to check out the An Blath Paipeir shop. These earrings are made from recycled paper as are the rest of their brooches, earrings, barrettes and headbands. SO COOL, right? I was worried that I would wreck them within the first five seconds of handling, but that couldn't be further from the truth. They are super sturdy and completely unique.

Oh, finally, one more fun story about these socks: I was walking back to work after my lunch ended when I saw my old boss. She smiled and said "Those are some wild socks there, funky girl!" to which I replied with a "Would you expect any less!?" No. No she would not. :)


  1. Those socks are adorable...and with that dress? I can only imagine. This looks like an outfit worth wearing again!

  2. You are such a doll!

  3. Those socks are the best!socks!evah!

  4. Love this outfit, girl! You'll have to repeat it sometime so we can see it on you :) Those socks are the coolest and I am definitely going to check out An Blath Paipeir!

  5. Those socks are so cute!

    Monique xx



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