April 11, 2011

Black, White and Tie Dye All Over

OK, I'll be honest, I actually wore this last week on Wednesday, April 6th. I didn't get a chance to show you until now for some strange reason. The bare legs work with today's weather but honestly didn't on the day I wore it. It was still absolutely freezing at that point but, you know what, sometimes you just want some darn bare legs and can't wait any longer to bare em!

WIW: April 6, 2011
Black Dress: Isaac Mizrahi for Target, Target, ??
Tye Dye Scarf: Unisex Circle Scarf, American Apparel, $6 (after using my Groupon)
Boots: Predictions, Payless ShoeSource, FREE (swapped with my sister)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

There is nothing quite like a simple black dress, right? I like this one because it is fitted but not too fitted. Oh, Isaac. You know the ladies so very well. Target and I miss you. I know you're on QVC now, but it's just not the same... Does anyone else miss his Target line? Oh, how I miss it.

WIW: April 6, 2011

This is the first time I have worn one of my American Apparel scarves that I bought for cheap thanks to Groupon. This neat tye dye circle scarf is normally $34 but I ended up paying $6 for it when you take in consideration the Groupon deal and the price of the other scarf. Basically, I paid $12 for two scarves. Not too shabby.

WIW: April 6, 2011

I am more than willing to pay $6 for a scarf that I can wear all different kinds of ways. Plus, it is HUGE. This thing is substantial, ladies and gentleman... and I have no problem snuggling right on into it.

WIW: April 6, 2011

Have I mentioned how much I adore these boots? My sister owned them for quite a while before she finally gave in and swapped them with me. I gave up a tall pair of brown boots that I rarely wore for these and I haven't regretted it yet! There is something about a short boot that makes a girl feel pretty funky. Well, at least that is how I feel...

WIW: April 6, 2011


  1. I completely agree about sometimes just needing to bare your legs! And I too wish Isaac still had a Target line. And I love, love, love that scarf. Very jealous.

  2. I adore that style of dress on you! Looks great!

  3. Ummm. Give me that scarf! I LOVE it!! Looks great on you!!

  4. Love it! And I adore your 'bob' - I miss mine

  5. ankle boots & mid-calf boots are way funkier for sure. maybe it has something to do with an image or something being left over from the doc marten days? you're younger than me, i think, but i bet you were still sorta raised on docs, right?!

  6. That black dress is perfect! I know what you mean about the fit...it's hard to find a black dress that's not too dressy. *SIGH*

  7. I too totally miss IM's Target line. I have the most perfect suit from that line that I got on clearance for like $15.

  8. Hi, first time stop by yr blog!! I love yr Blog. I Have followed you, do you mind follow my blog as well?


  9. Gorgeous scarf....Im loving the booties too.....where the heck did the warm weather go, right?

  10. I think I actually prefer this black and white tie dye to the more colorful version... which is crazy coming from a girl who adores color! Very sassy!

  11. lovely boots hun...!

    ps. I would like to invite you to the first giveaway on blog!


  12. ah, i miss target. that dress is classic.

  13. I've thought of wearing my circle scarf in a similar way, but it's not big enough! I want to DIY another one :) Love your look!

  14. Love the dress!!
    xoxo asiahlynn

  15. i practically live in my AA circle scarf!


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