April 27, 2011

Featured On: Statements in Fashion

I neglected to tell you guys yesterday that the amazing Collette of Statements in Fashion featured me yesterday on her Twitter Tuesday post!

Featured! 04/26/11
Click the picture to check it out!

I am so honored that she asked me to be a part of her Twitter Tuesday post and I had a great time answering the interview questions!

Hi to all of my sweet new followers! I am so glad we met thanks to Collette! :)


  1. awesome post over at Colettes!! love your outfits babes!! xoxo J

  2. You are so welcome Sweets!!! I was the honored one that you agreed to be featured.....rock on with your bad self girl....you know I love you!!!!

  3. Collette rocks AND she really does pick some fantastic people to feature on her blog- I did discover you because of this Twitter Tuesday business, and am so glad I did. Congrats on the feature Katie, so well deserved! -Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud


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