December 31, 2010

FBFF: New Year, New Blog, New You: 2011

1. What's the one thing you vow to learn or do in 2011 to improve your blog?
I actually have a lot of plans to improve my blog. I've now been blogging for a few months and am feeling the need to include more information such as a link list of my favorite fashionable girls, an actual about me page to help you get to know me, and more. Right now I feel my blog is very limited to outfit posts but would like to provide more lessons in frugality posts and expand on that. Heck, my blog is about frugal fashion but I've yet to really expand on that idea beyond showing you the cheap stuff I wear. I want to take the "you can spend a little but look great" idea and really run with it.

2. What did you learn about blogging in 2010 that you plan to put into practice next year?
I am quickly learning that writing up a few posts each week, before hand, would be helpful for time purposes. I typically write my posts each day. I wear an outfit, come home, take pictures and post about it the same day. This doesn't work out well when I have things to do or am generally pressed for time. Instead of making my blog suffer, I'd like to have some posts in waiting that I can post instead and save the outfit for maybe the next day. Also, I have learned that being involved with your readers makes a huge difference. I love when people respond to the comments I leave on other blogs so I try to do the same thing for my readers! I am thinking about getting the disqus commenting system as it is better set up to respond directly to comments left at a blog.

3. Do you have any high-level goals for your blog in the coming year? Monetization? More comments? More connections with other bloggers? A new template?
I would love to gain more readers. What makes a blog more fun? Readers! I'd also love to connect with more bloggers. I'm about as shy as shy can be so that's always something for me to work on.

4. If you could collaborate with one other blogger within your sphere of influence in 2011, who would you like to collaborate with, and what would you like to collaborate on?
There are so many blogs that I enjoy and that inspire me... I'd love to collaborate with any one of them. I recently saw a few bloggers pass around a piece of clothing and style it each in their own way. I loved reading that and would love to take part in something like it.

5. What do you plan to do to support other bloggers next year?
Comment, comment, comment. And, like I said above, I'll enventually be creating a link list of my favorite bloggers.

Interested in participating in the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday group? Head on over to Modly Chic and join the discussion!


  1. great answers, i think it's awesome to come up with resolutions for our blogs. there's always room for improvement.
    happy 2011 girly!

  2. wow this post is great. You're so clear on you vision for your blog and that is so wonderful and your passion and commitement is clear.

    I am a newbie at blogging and there are so many things i don't know. This has really helped me and inspired me to make more commitements and improvements.

    Be great if you could check out my blog.

  3. Happy New Year! Such great goals for your blog! I look forward to your lessons in frugality. I love blogs that create their own little niche.

  4. I love your idea of sharing more information about you. I sometimes look to see what bloggers have about themselves because the relationship grows even more as we connect by learning more. I've also been trying to write more posts in advance, I think I need one day a week, (the "8th" day) to do this. Practice will make perfect, or something like that!

    I look forward to seeing your blog grow. I love your style and how your personality comes through:)

    You're always welcome to reach out, I'm the opposite of shy:)

  5. Those are some great goals, lady! I can't wait to follow along as you expand on your already fabulous blog! :)

  6. Hi Hunnie....I think you are going to have a great new year!!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  7. great question and answer post. #4 sounds like so much fun! I'm sure you could easily start it and many bloggers would join in! I know I would. Keep up the good work dear xo

  8. HEy girl!!! THANKS SO much for stopping by!!
    I hope you are having a fab new year and I really enjoyed reading your ideas on blogging and your plans for your blog in the future!!
    I have never head of that commenting software but I would LOVE to get something like that!
    Good Luck this year!!!


  9. Niiiiiiiiice Blog ;D

  10. I'm new to your blog...I saw your comment on ExPresso and thought I'd bop on over to your blog and say a quick hello!

    <3 Ashley

  11. Great answers!
    Love your blog. I am your newest follower!
    Can you follow me too?

  12. I can't wait to see how your blog evolves in 2011! And, really, I should work on my own blog goals.

    Let me know what you think of disqus. I've been thinking about adding it to my blog too.

  13. Thanks for this post, it is great


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