December 14, 2010

30 for 30: Day 26 (12/14/10)

I think my accessory of choice this year is a belt. A belt can really finish off any outfit. I mean, take today's outfit, for example: It would look completely disheveled had I not cinched it in with this skinny belt.

30 for 30: Day 26 (12/14/10)
Black Dress: Karen Kane, Thrifted
Stripe Shirt: Mossimo, Thrifted
Necklaces: FREE, given to me by a coworker
Bracelet: Bought at garage sale
Glitter Belt: Target, $1
Tights: ??
Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

That leads me to my confession: I broke the no shopping/spending rule of the 30x30. I bought this belt. Did I feel bad about doing so? No. I've been wanting a teensy black belt for a while now. Add sparkles into the mix and I am so sold. What, it's only $1? GIVE IT TO ME NOW. So I did. I gave it to myself. Merry Christmas, self!

30 for 30: Day 26 (12/14/10)

This outfit was a lot more fun than the photo really shows. There was actually quite a bit going on: Stripes, sparkles, polka dots. Can't see the polka dots? Let me show you...

30 for 30: Day 26 (12/14/10)

I may or may not have worn these tights inside out today. It may or may not have been on purpose. You decide.

30 for 30: Day 26 (12/14/10)

A sweet co-worker gave me these necklaces a few months ago. Actually, she gave me two big jewelry boxes full of vintage goodies that used to belong to her grandma. They weren't her thing so she passed them on to me. Nothing warms my heart quite like giving pretty jewelry a new home. I love knowing it used to belong to someone... I like to imagine what they may have been doing when they wore it. I think that is one of my favorite things about anything vintage- the stories or possible stories that are behind it.

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. I love vintage jewelry especially vintage costume jewelry. The black and white necklace and pearls are classic.

  2. I love vintage jewelry especially vintage costume jewelry. The black and white necklace and pearls are classic.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Such a sweet co-worker those are awesome! I agree with the belts, they definitely are a great finish to outfits :)

  5. The belt purchase was totally necessary. I agree that belts are definitely my go-to accessory this year. I didn't really consider them much before the 30x30, but they really help differentiate and pull together an outfit.

  6. Ooh, LOVE this outfit! The stripes are perfect and the combo of your hair and glasses is, as always, so chic and funky. And I got my glasses at SEE, too!

    I wonder if any orphaned jewelry out there would like me to give it a home. Because I would do it in a heartbeat!


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