December 6, 2010

30 for 30: Day TWENTY (12/06/10)

What footwear to do you wear when you are home and relaxing? I prefer to keep it all natural...

30 for 30: Day TWENTY (12/06/10)
Black Shirt (not seen): Forever 21, Thrifted
Animal Print Sweater: Bogari, Thrifted
Tan Vest: Worthington, JCPenny, $5.97 (clearance)
Dark Skinny Jeans: Xhilaration, Target
Black Scarf (as belt): ??
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Yes, that's right. I was home and barefoot all day. I had today off from work so I wanted to keep my clothes easy and comfortable. Bare feet were a requirement. Little known fact: I actually hate socks and completely closed shoes. If you take a look at my shoes, the vast majority of them are able to be worn without socks. Socks make me feel constricted but I'm giving them a whirl this year. I'm trying.

Also important to note: Totally went outside my comfort zone today. How? Well, you may have noticed that I normally (as in, pretty much always) wear longer cut shirts. Today's outfit has a shorter cut top than I normally prefer to wear - especially when paired with form fitting jeans. Look, this girl has hips. I don't mind that fact but I know what works on me and shorter/boxy cut items don't normally do it for me. I gave it a try today considering I didn't really plan on going out anywhere major. (Read: Didn't plan on going anywhere but McDonald's to get a frozen strawberry lemonade. I'm addicted to those things!) It's ok... it's ok.

30 for 30: Day TWENTY (12/06/10)

Can't believe I only have nine days left to the remix! Can't wait to put my new remixing skills to use with the rest of my closet, honestly.

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. frozen strawberry lemonade?! in december!? you're a hard-ass! i can barely manage reaching into the fridge for something when it's cold outside.

  2. I hate wearing socks, too! It's the worst, really. I'm trying to make it work for the winter as well, so good luck, us!
    I wear Tom's at home! I got a pair because I needed a good walking shoe, and now I am obsessed with them. They have pretty intense arch-support, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm all about it.

  3. I have to disagree on you about the socks. They are the key to keeping me warm.
    I agree with the outfit, though. It might be out of your comfort zone, but it looks great!

    The Auspicious Life

  4. I love socks! :) Your leopard with that vest looks great!!

  5. And I think applaud you for dressing outside your comfort zone. Might I add, you've got the kind of hips that are NOT supposed to be hidden. You've got fabulous curves, enjoy them.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with when you have access to the rest of your closet!

  6. I so want to try that frozen strawberry lemonade:)...yumm...The outfit is so cool:) I love the animal print top:)
    Hugs and kisses,sweetie

  7. I think this was a great way to get out of your comfort zone! Plus the black jeans with the lighter colors of your top half really balance things out [not that you really need it!]

  8. I'm all about the big bulky Christmas socks that you can buy half off in January. you know what i mean. don't pretend you're too cool! ok, maybe you don't but i rock my reindeer/elf socks with pride all year long! :) hahah

  9. I'm totally with you on the sock thing! Cute blog!

    Come check mine out sometime. I have a $150 gift certificate giveaway this week and would love for you to enter!

  10. What's most impressive besides your outfit being super cute is that you're at home relaxing in a real outfit! So impressive! I'd opt for Pj's :) x RedPoppy

  11. this leopard cardi is awesome. i love the way you layered it under the vest!

  12. Thanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I can do something with it.


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