December 17, 2010

30 for 30: Day 29 (12/17/10)

So, I can't believe today is day 29. It seems like it was literally day 15 just yesterday! I'm a bit sad to be bidding adieu to the remix soon but also rather happy. I've been dreaming up some new outfit ideas lately with other items in my closet. That's for later, though... Here's today!

30 for 30: Day 29 (12/17/10)
White Shirt: Mossimo Supply Co, Target
Dark Jeans: Xhilaration, Target
Scarf: Bijoux Terner, Thrifted, $3.99
Animal Print Belt: The Limited, Thrifted, $1
Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I had to look through my photos to see if I have ever showed you this belt before. It doesn't appear that I have... I bought it right before the remix started and have been itching to wear it. You've probably noticed I didn't put a speck of brown into my remix pieces... I don't normally wear too much in the brown/tan department. However, animal print? Gimme, gimme, gimme.

30 for 30: Day 29 (12/17/10)

The Limited (where this belt was originally purchased - I picked it up at a thrift store) used to be the hot store back in the day. Do you remember? Well, maybe that was in my own little 8th grade mind. I remember begging my mom to take me there because everything looked so pretty. I think she bought me one sweater from there and I wore that sweater with everything. I like to imagine that whoever originally bought this belt bought it back in The Limited's hey day. It makes it more special in my mind. :)

I forgot I owned this brown scarf. Forgetting you own things? Kind of fantastic and kind of pathetic. It matches this belt spot on though, doesn't it? I decided to take a stab at the ol scarf with a belt look and really liked the way it turned out. I actually almost felt like I was cheating on the remix because it felt like I was wearing a separate shirt all day long considering the scarf had such an impact!

30 for 30: Day 29 (12/17/10)

In other news, my most exciting weekend plan is painting my nails a glittery gold. Yay for non busy weekends. I'm not normally a nail polish girl (love it on others but prefer my nails clean and simple) but I'm obsessed with gold lately so I figure my nails are a good place to display it, especially with Christmas coming up and all. :)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. love love love the belt!

    Its such a nice subtle way to add a fun animal print. Totally take the outfit up a notch!

    Ps. Thanks for "stickin' around" :-)

  2. i love the belted scarf! isn't it so fun to find clothes you had forgotten about?

  3. I love the unusual-for-you brown... It looks great on you and makes more of an impact because you wear it less often.

  4. I've never tried belting my scarf. Such a cute idea! And such a cute blog! xo I'm glad I stumbled upon it.

  5. oh my goodness, I would have never thought to belt a scarf like that! Love that, stealing that, if I can pull it off?? You're too cute! Lovin you remix!


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