December 8, 2010

30 for 30: Day 22 (12/08/10)

I am in love with this outfit. We're getting married this weekend in Vegas - You're all invited.
30 for 30: Day 22 (12/08/10)
Hot Pink Dress: Untagged, Thrifted
Black/White Gingham Shirt: Old Navy
Boots: Franco Fortini, Ebay
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Black and white with a pop of pink? Yes. Full skirt with a more fitted shirt? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I love when I love an outfit this much - it makes me feel good all day long no matter what. Don't you love that?!

30 for 30: Day 22 (12/08/10)

Did I mention the dress has pockets? I'm kind of obsessed right now with dresses and skirts that have pockets. Why? Good guestion. It's not as if I specifically use the pockets for anything useful. I will admit to putting my hands in them every so often as I walk around - it makes it feel like you're that much cooler. Whatever. Don't judge me. It just does. :)

30 for 30: Day 22 (12/08/10)

Now... what to wear tomorrow. Choices, choices.

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. Wearing something you love makes all the difference sometimes! You look great in that outfit!

    The Auspicious Life

  2. I very much agree that pockets in skirts and dresses make them that much better. I LOVE this look on you. So cute!

  3. Love the outfit! I agree that hands-in-pockets are cool. Also, it keeps your hands warm when you forget your gloves!

  4. i concur! pocketed skirts/dresses are the best!

  5. Love this look. And totally agree about loving pockets. I think I remember reading somewhere that when you stand with your hands in your pockets, it shows you're a confident person. And it's true, you at least feel confident so that's how you are perceived.

  6. OOOOOH! I love this outfit, it looks fabulous on you!

  7. Love the outfit! The color of the dress is amazing.

  8. yay, it's this dress again! i truly love it, and love seeing you in it. extra hoorays for pockets :D


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