December 15, 2010

30 for 30: Day 27 (12/15/10)

This dress has earned a nickname today. I've realized that I have used it as my "special occasion" dress during my remix. I first wore it on Thanksgiving and now I am wearing it again to work on the day we had our Christmas lunch.

30 for 30: Day 27 (12/15/10)
Dress: Merona, Target, $9.99 (clearance)
Sweater: Wet Seal, Thrifted, $3.99
Black Beaded Necklace: ??
Red Beaded Necklace: Bought in vintage jewelry grab bag, $5 (for bag)
Black Tights: Merona, Target, $7
Black Belt: Thrifted, $1
Oxfords: Joan and David Too, Thrifted, $5.20
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

The only issue I had remixing these two items (the sweater and the dress) together was the fact that the dress has some serious pleats and the sweater is long and fitted. The combination didn't mix perfectly well so it looks like a little bumpy in the tummy. I dealt with it. (Though I know I look less than thrilled here. I apparently forgot to *smile with my eyes*. Har har.)

30 for 30: Day 27 (12/15/10)

I still can't get over how well this necklace and this dress go together. A match made in heaven, no? I can't wait to match this necklace up with more items in my closet though. I've always had a thing for black and red but the addition of a warm gold just make the two sing. I have a slight obsession with gold right now, but that is fodder for a different post soon! :)

Confused? Learn more about the 30 for 30 Closet Remix at Kendi Everyday. Want to see who else joined the remix? Click here for a full list of all remixers. Want to see how I am doing? Check out all of my 30 for 30 posts right here.


  1. I didn't miss a haircut, did I?
    Your hair looks very angular today- I like it!

    The red/black/gold color combo is awesome!! :)

  2. I love your hair!
    i'm a lover of long hair,
    but your hair is toooo cute

    much sweetness,
    hope to hear from you xx

  3. Seriously! Those two were made for each other.

  4. I adore that sweater. I want something that shade of green now!


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