November 8, 2011

Everybody, Everywhere: Colored Tights

Fashion blogger confession: I only own three pairs of colored tights. And I use "colored" as a loose term - I own this purple pair, a light grey pair and olive green sweater tights. They're very neutral with the exception of the purple. Colorful tights seem like a huge standard in the fashion blogging world. Prior to becoming a reader, I had never seen many "unusual" tights out and about. I thought I was pretty cool buying this purple pair 2+ years ago, but apparently I am still a freshman at colorful tight wearing. :)

EBEW: Colored Tights
Jacket: Arden B, Won in giveaway!
Tshirt: Old Navy, $7 (on sale)
Skirt: Worthington, JCPenney, OLD
Tights: Kohl's, OLD
Shoes: Steve Madden, Marshalls, OLD
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

After doing a bit of a closet cleanout/unpacking my winter items over last weekend, I have been making every attempt at wearing things I don't wear very often from my closet. To say that my closet is filled to the brim would be an understatement. I need to pare down more but I'm having a hard time letting things go. To rectify that, I am wearing pieces I don't wear very often to discover why and hopefully give some of them up.

EBEW: Colored Tights

This jacket is one of those items. I always get so many compliments on it when I wear it but I have a really hard time styling it. I think the color is what prevents me from wearing it often... it's hard to pair things with a metallic lilac color. Any ideas for me?

EBEW: Colored Tights

I was a little worried this might be purple overload when I put it together this morning but when I got told I looked "like a rockstar" at work that worry flew out the door. My work girls are good to me. :)

Colored Tights | Everybody, Everywear

Check out the rest of the folks who styled up their colorful tights today! After checking just a few of them out so far, I am realizing I would love to add some rust, hunter green and mustard colored tights to my collection!


  1. i'm really liking all the purple shades together here. and your co-worker was right on with the rockstar vibe...something about the heels and jacket combination makes me feel like i should know the lyrics to all your songs or something!

    dash dot dotty

  2. I dug through my tights collection for this challenge too and discovered I own several pairs of purple tights, one pair of turquoise and lots and lots of black tights.

    And you totally look like a rockstar. ;)

  3. Great outfit, I've just been having a tights audit myself. And yep, fashion blogger = mental tights. They're a must, like vintage pyrex is for homeware types. Or photos of bloody cupcakes!

    Lakota x

  4. You ROCKED the tights babes...I totally forgot about EBEW....Ill have to stop over and check out the next one.....LOVE your shade of lilac here:)

    Enter my Icelandic Design Knit Hat Giveaway!!

  5. Cool outfit! Love how you went monochromatic :)

  6. Super cute - I love the purple tights on you. I have a hard time wearing purple, but I love it on everyone else!

    I hear you on the closet clean out. My closet is so full and piles of sweaters are toppling over, but I can't seem to get rid of anything. I need to make it a priority - or at least put some items in storage.

    The jacket is cute, but I can see how it would be hard to style. Maybe with charcoal grey?

    (I'd love if you had a chance to stop by my new blog: I'm not giving up Style Obsession yet, but we'll see where things go!)

  7. I agree with your work friends--you DO look like a rockstar! This is such a fun look, and you totally rock those purple tights!

  8. You really did well mixing all these shades of purple together! It's just a fantastic look.

    I would have to say that I own a lot of tights, but looking at them it's just a bunch of blacks and greys. I think the craziest color I have is red! Now that is a tough color to style. haha

  9. OMG wear this outfit every day! You look so hot, girlfriend!

    Love, love, love everything about it!!!

  10. You totally look like a rockstar! Go with it, you look great!

  11. I totally get you on colorful tights seeming like a standard in the fashion blogging world, but I'd never seen them in the "real" world either. I just got my first pair of colored tights--maroon--but I'm waiting for the weather to cool before I can wear them. You look great in your purple pair!


  12. I'm back to black in my tights selection. It's just such an easy, go-to color/non-color! But, I LOVE the purple in this outfit, and that jacket is spectacular on you!

  13. I'm the biggest fan of those tights! I have just started to dabble in colored leggings/tights and I don't yet have purple. :) I'll have to get some!

  14. Wow, I'm obsessed with those tights! I love the color purple!!! You've inspired me, I've never seen anyone rock tights like those!


  15. you wear purple well!
    very nice

  16. Great outfit! I found you through your comment on Adored Austin and your description said you were a "Hanson listening to.." Um, I love Hanson! I still see them on every tour they have haha

    xo Jennifer

  17. very pretty! i love your tights!


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