September 29, 2011

My First Fishtail

Do you like the title of this post? It's not that I have plans to go out and buy multiple fish tail dresses/skirts but I have been on the hunt for the perfect one for a little while now.

I won a gift credit from Speedy Girl the other week on twitter and was immediately ready to put it use. The second I laid my eyes on it, I knew it had to be mine! Yes, I did have a gift code, but I would have gladly handed over my own funds for this dress. For starters, it cost just $25! More on that later. Secondly, it's gorgeous and even prettier (if at all possible) in person!

Fishtail: WIW 09/28/11
Dress: Princess and Her Knight dress,, FREE
(after using the gift code I won via twitter)
Leggings: Mossimo Supply Co, Target, OLD
Shoes: Dana Buchman, Kohl's, Purchased last year
Belt: Taken from another dress
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Truth be told, there is a bit of an Awkward and Awesome moment going on here. Awkward? These terrible indoor photos and the bruise on my leg. The Awesome? This dress, duh, and the fact that that bruise is about 25% as bad as it was before. I'll take it. (Small word of advice: Don't walk into the corner of your dishwasher door when unloading dishes. You and your leg will regret it.)

Fishtail: WIW 09/28/11

OK, so back to that $25 awesome dress, right? Well, in case you haven't checked out Speedy Girl yet, you should. They offer lovely clothing - two pieces every 24 hours, to be exact - at low, low prices. Two new pieces are up every 24 hours... so if you like something, JUMP on it and jump on it quick! I'm already kind of regretting not buying this olive tunic sweater the other day. Live and learn!


  1. Oh you look like a little modern princess! Grr, I need to get my dress posted but stupid Mitten rain :P

    Love the shoes too!

  2. excellent little shoes! and i cannot believe you scored that dress for freesies....

    So What If I Like Pretty Things

  3. You look great! I love the hem on the dress :)

  4. I really like this is such a fun, stylish look. Great job!

  5. Love the look! It's fun and still pulled together and professional. You look fantastic!

  6. That dress is total perfection. What a great piece!

  7. THOSE SHOES. GAHHH, so awesome. I love Kohl's, I always make a beeline for the Lauren Conrad collection when I get there!

  8. I love the dress and the way you've styled it! Oh, and those shoes are just amazing.

  9. What a cute dress! the sleeves are so flattering - looking great! x

  10. What a great asymmetrical hem! At first I thought you meant a fishtail braid :) You should wear one when you wear this dress!

  11. Love the dress, and yes....Id sell a kid for the shoes, lol...have a great week:)

  12. Your shoes are so cute and perfect paired with that dress!

  13. This dress is perfect. I've been searching for a fishtail dress or skirt for a while now. This one is great! Your whole outfit is lovely. Just watch out for those dishwashers! I am clumsy like that too, and constantly have bruises all over my legs... my boyfriend says my legs are like a 8 year old boys. Lovely, huh?!

    So yeah, great dress!

  14. Love the print on you! So autumnal!

  15. Ouch!! I hope your leg feels better! I'm always walking into things. I adore this dress, it looks SO GOOD on you!!!

  16. Oh you're right, that dress is amazingly cute! How much are you going to love it later this fall with a warm cozy sweater! Nice purchase for sure :)

  17. I have TOTALLY gotten the dishwasher bruise, too. I have not got anything fishtailed, though. Jealous.

  18. Thank you for your sweet comment! I hope that your week/weekend is better too :)


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