September 6, 2011

30x30: Why I'm Done

If you're been paying attention, you would know that I've only posted 16 outfits for this summer's 30x30 Remix. You would also realize that this has been going on since June. JUNE. You would also realize it is not really summer anymore. Here's the thing - I hereby solemnly swear that I have worn 30 different outfits and then some. I have literally been participating since the first outfit I posted on June 22nd. You just didn't see all of them. I'm a busy girl sometimes so outfit photos are hard to take on a daily basis. I was going to have a dress up day where I would photograph all the outfits I missed showing you... but time got in the way of that too! I've also come to the point where my outfits are getting boring. This needs to come to a close for the year.

The end of my Summer 2011 30x30

Here are just a few things I learned this time around:

1. Never underestimate the power of a bold shirt. That yellow shirt got a lot of use!

2. If you rarely wore it before the 30x30, you will rarely wear it during. Such is the case with my grey Lee capris. I wore them that one time and never again. Into the donate pile they a-go-go!

3. The perfect floral dress will look good no matter what. Don't have one? Find one now! Mine cost me $2.60. Good style doesn't always have to cost a lot!

4. I love my black dress. Dress it up, dress it down, wear it plain, wear it with lots - you will ALWAYS get lots of wear out of it.

So, you guys forgive me for not sharing the rest with you, right? :)


  1. Eek. I didn't post all of my summer 30x30 outfits either. And I just sort of petered out on it. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again in the fall when it gets cold and my wardrobe is boring me.

  2. forgiven and forgotten! ;) You look amazing in all those shots! I could NEVER do a 30 for 30 challenge, I'm not as creative as you! Also, I think I'd get bored with the items I picked to wear.... having said that, I love looking in on other people doing 30 for 30!! ;)

  3. That floral dress was a workhorse! A very pretty, lovely workhorse!

  4. It's quite alright! I've never participated in the 30/30 because I knew as soon as I did life would get busy. It just happens. I don't own a floral dress but am longing for one now. Yours is so cute and soooo versatile!

  5. Don't feel bad. I ended up posting 29 of 30 outfits. I mean, really? Who couldn't manage to photograph one more outfit? I even had one in mind. Oh well, here's to quitters! Ha.

  6. Love the outfits you posted, even if you didn't finish the whole thing! Good on ya!

  7. No big deal! Feel free to play by your own rules! And that yellow shirt is so rad!

  8. I love each of your outfits! Check out my friend's 30x30: I photographed her each day and it took a couple of months for her to complete it, too. Good job!!

  9. Congrats! It can be hard coming up with 30x30 remixes, but I really enjoyed the challenge. That is so true tho- I found I favorite certain items and ones I rarely wear, didn't get worn much during the remix. Oh well :P



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