September 19, 2011

A Casual Asian Inspired Friday

I'm slightly happy I never got around to posting these last Friday because the sun that is in these photos is a welcome sight today! I was initially annoyed with it on Friday when we were taking photos but after today's RAIN, RAIN and MORE RAIN, I will take it!

Casual Asian Inspired Friday (09/16/11)
Top: Forever21, Hand me down from Miss Vinyl Ahoy!
Jeans: Old Navy, High Waisted Retro Flare Jeans, $19.50 (on sale) - but free for me,
bought with gift card!
Shoes: Fioni, Thrifted, OLD
Polka Dot Bangle: Tagless, Thrifted, $1.00
Red Metal Bangle: Given to me by a former co-worker
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

So, funny story about this asian top. I was telling Suze about an asian top I found at my favorite Salvation Army recently but never bought... Well, I tried to buy it but realized I had left my debit card at home when I went to the register. I think I about cried. Yes, I could have driven back home and driven back to the store, but I was so annoyed with A) the amount of annoying people in the store and B) myself for leaving my card at home that I didn't bother. I figured that with 2957374674 tops for sale, I'd be able to come back in a few days and find it.

NO. NO, THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. I went back to the store two days later and could not find it on a single rack.

I don't think I need to tell you how sad I was. It was red, cream, vintage and perfect. Ugh. Let's just say I hope to never make that mistake again.

Casual Asian Inspired Friday (09/16/11)

Lucky me - I happen to have a fairy fashion friend! :) Suze told me she had a similar top that she didn't wear very often and would be willing to pass on down to me. She brought it and some other goodies for me when we went to an Anthropologie fashion show the other week!

All I have to say if she gets total first dibs out of my swap bin (um... bins? I may have more than one!) at the Michigan Blogger Meetup! (Psst! September 24th! Be there!) I owe her big time! Thanks, Suze! :)

Casual Asian Inspired Friday (09/16/11)

By the way, I recommend hightailing it to Old Navy and buying yourself a pair of these jeans. They are the perfect flare, perfect fit and perfect colors. And they stretch. Girls with hips need stretch, am I right? I love them.


  1. Hehe. It's a hand-me-down :)
    I have like four bags of stuff to bring on Saturday. But like I said, if there is stuff that no one wants to claim, I will schlep it to Goodwill. They'd be happy to have it!

  2. ok i LOVE your top, shoes and frames!!

  3. Super cute look! I will definitely have to hit my old navy, those jeans are adorable and yes, my hips need stretch too. :)

  4. Oooooh, you look so lovely! I need to get my hands on a pair of those flares ASAP. :)

  5. Loving those jeans! You look great!

  6. Big thanks to Suze for that one! That top is amazing. Tell Suze to send me all her hand me downs if they are that cute LOL. Those jeans look fab on you too & those shoes are adorable.

  7. You look amazing and I am loving your shoes. Sending you ladies some California Sun Shine for the big swap!

  8. The jeans fit SO well! I have been going crazy trying to find a pair of jeans that fit :(

  9. Such a fun story! I am glad you got a top that was similar to the one "that got away".

    Can't wait to read about the blogger meetup/swap.

  10. Such a fun look! The floral flats add a nice touch!

  11. Lovely top! You look wonderful.


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