October 11, 2011

Everybody, Everywear: DIY

Oh, hi! You've probably (maybe?) been wondering where I've been... well, between being sick last week and having a family member pass away, there was little room or desire for blogging. Honestly, you didn't want to see one little part of me. Everything was a big 'ol mess. My eyes were red, my nose was red, everything was disheveled.

That being said, I put forth at least a little bit more effort today. Yes, I do love me an Everybody, Everywhere day. This one was no different - DIY day! I initially had a more labor intensive DIY planned but I don't think I need to get into why it was not accomplished (see above). Instead, I took an easier approach...

DIY EBEW: 10/11/11

Note: This is where you pretend like you can not see my kitty hairs and fuzz on my dress. Please also pretend that the pin on my necklace is sitting properly. Thank you. Forgive me, like I said, it has been a long week.

I'm not going to divulge my original DIY plan as I plan on still putting it into action at some point. So, when push came to shove last night at 10pm, I had to rack my brain for another quick idea. Luckily, I had just recently pinned this image of gorgeous necklaces made by Elva Fields to my pinterest account. Seriously, have you ever seen prettier jewelry? I LOVE these necklaces! Plus, I knew it was the perfect thing to put together quickly - great beaded necklace + my favorite pin? Done!

DIY EBEW: 10/11/11
Dress: Karen Kane, Thrifted, OLD
Blue Tank: Poof!, TJMaxx, OLD
Necklace: No tag, Thrifted, $7
Pin (on necklace): Gift from Mom
Shoes: Naturalizer, Thrifted, OLD
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I also really like that this outfit is a collection of old favorites. One of my favorite (and most comfortable, by far) black dresses, favorite pin (a gift from my mom from one of our favorite local stores) and favorite red shoes.

DIY EBEW: 10/11/11

DIY EBEW: 10/11/11

DIY EBEW: 10/11/11

Did I mention my cat loves these shoes too? They've been graced with kitty claw and teeth marks but I'm not ready to let them go. I figure it isn't as noticable from far away... right?...

DIY EBEW: 10/11/11

Want to see some more fashionable DIY? Click on over to Everybody, Everywear below!

DIY | Everybody, Everywear


  1. love your outfit!! the necklace and shoes are soo fun!

  2. You look great despite being ill! I love your shoes :)

  3. I'm sorry about your loss, and your necklace is lovely!!

  4. LOVE this entire outfit! I bet you felt great going back to work in such a snazzy ensemble ;) <3

    Also, stealing your necklace idea..

  5. I'm sorry you've had such a bad week. I hope it gets better.

    Great DIY. Simple, but effective. I may have to be inspired by you and use this trick myself. I do have those new vintage brooches...

  6. I am so sorry that you have been sick and I am sorry for your loss :( I hope everything is okay.

    You look beautiful! I have started to love wrap dresses lately and you look amazing in this black one, it is classic!

  7. Love that shoes too! btw, that necklace is perfect! Cool and chic, eh.

    Cathy@scrubs sale


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