July 7, 2011

Slightly Casual Thursday (5/30)

Last Thursday was a casual day in my office as it was our "Friday" considering we had a four day weekend. I wasn't in the mood to wear jeans as it was pretty hot out... do jeans feel completely uncomfortable to you in the heat too? Just heavy and constricting, no thanks. I opted, instead, for this perfect floral dress paired with the softest denim top I have ever touched.

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: 06/07/11
Dress: Liz Claiborne, Thrifted, $2.60
Denim Top: Blue Asphalt, Thrifted, $1.40
Sandals: Liz Claiborne Flex, Thrifted, $2.80
Necklace: Francesca's Collections, $4.98 (clearance)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear
TOTAL = $11.78

Bright, pretty, summery and yet comfortable. I'm all about that kind of combination - especially on a hot summer day. Plus, I was itching to wear this new necklace I picked up a week ago at Francesca's Collections with my BFF. It was marked down to $6.98, which is awesome, but then I saw a sign that said that everything on that table was then marked down to just $4.98. I was sold.

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: 06/07/11

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: 06/07/11

Back to the topic of denim and the fact that this top is super soft - It brings up another good point: Reason #9387547 thrift stores are amazing - A lot of the things you will find are already perfect worn in. Was this shirt as soft for the person who initially bought it brand new? Probably not. But give it a bunch of wearings and washings and you have yourself something perfectly worn. And now it is mine. Thank you, previous owner(s), thank you.


  1. I totally agree with you about jeans in the summer - too hot! A dress is always cooler. You look adorable - I love the floral dress with the denim top, super cute.

  2. what a lovely color, i love your floral dress, looks so cute on you :):)


  3. nice combo of flowers and denim!great:)nice blog lady!!
    Would u come and follow mine if u like it??i'd be very happy if u do so..i wait u!
    kiss from MIlan!

    patchwork à Porter

  4. I love this outfit! You look beautiful!!


  5. I think Slightly Casual is the same as Snappy Casual, no? :)

  6. 1. This dress looks perfection on you.. I can't even believe you found it in a thrift store.

    2. Jeans in the summer is disgustingggggg. Ewwwwww.

    3. I'm so glad you found that necklace, it pulls the whole outfit together!!! :)


  7. Very cute and agreed that thrift stores are great sources for broken in items!

  8. love the necklace, beautiful bead work
    www.thesocialbuyer.com"what to buy for">

  9. love the dash of color on your dress and very cute and stylish glasses! i wish i can wear glasses too...just too afraid i might ruin my 20/20 vision ;D



  10. That dress is adorbs! Love the necklace too!

  11. Whoa, that print is amazing! Love it, and am jealous that it's perfectly soft, too. What a happy casual Thursday you must've had :)


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