July 18, 2011

Dress on Dress Action (6/30)

Oh, hello there, my fabulous blog friends... long time no blog, eh? I apologize for my sporadic breaks but sometimes a girl just needs a break, you know what I'm sayin'? Don't fret - I was still staying true to my 30 for 30 pieces, just didn't take the time to photograph them like usual so I'll be going back to do that this week to catch you all up on my daily outfittings. I know you have been in all kinds of suspense. :)

So, shall we start with today?

Summer 2011 30x30: 6/30
Black Dress: Merona, Thrifted, OLD
Zebra Dress: Mossimo, Thrifted, OLD
Vintage Necklace: Estate Sale, $5
Sandals: Mossimo "Pilar", Target, $29.99 (but free for me w/ gift card)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

I loved this outfit. Sometimes I wonder if I should just own a closet full of black and white clothing because I always just feel so ME in black and white getups. They've just always been my thing.

I had the idea to layer these two dresses last week but put off wearing it until today because this week is supposed to be an absolutely scorcher. And that it was. I think one of the reports I read said at one point if had gotten to 107 degrees. Oh, mama. And it is supposed to stay this warm all week. (Remind me again why I included any type of sleeved clothing in my 30 pieces... anyone?) Yes, summer has arrived in Michigan. And the humidity? Don't get me started.

Summer 2011 30x30: 6/30

So, I don't know if I have mentioned it here before but my boyfriend took me estate sale shopping on my birthday back in June. I, of course, hit up estate sales all the time but it was nice to have him as a shopping buddy for once. My boyfriend is amazing but the one thing he fails at is being a patient shopper. This normally means I never even desire to have him go shopping anywhere with me - even the grocery store. However, that changes once a year on my birthday where he morphs into a stellar shopping buddy and is as patient as can be. I'll take it.

That being said, you should probably know the story behind this necklace. I walked by it on the very first estate sale we hit up. I'm sure you can imagine that the second I saw it, my heart started pounding and my eyes widened. This pretty lady was meant to be mine. But then disappointment came - the necklace had no price tag. Can I just tell you how much I hate when things are not marked at estate sales/garage sales/etc? I can maybe understand if it is an expensive antique and you want to wheel and deal to see what someone will offer you... but on this necklace? C'mon, put a price on it. So, anyway, I ask how much it is and the guy proceeds to tell me $10. Now, $10 may not sound like much, but remember who you're talking to - I was not happpy with this price. Defeated, I put it down and told my boyfriend I was ready to hit the road. Outside, he told me I needed to go back in and bring the guy down on price... but, here is something that may surprise you: I don't haggle. Never have. Never will. I'm just not into having that discussion with people. But my amazing boyfriend? He could care less. He walked back in and got the guy down to $5 and walked back out with my necklace. Did I mention how much I love him - particularly on this day? :)

This necklace, especially when paired with this dress on dress action, makes me wanna do a little dance...

Summer 2011 30x30: 6/30

Sorry, couldn't resist. I love the way the zebra print dress swung under the black dress. I didn't think dancing at work would be appropriate (oh, who am I kidding...) so I waited to share it with you guys.


  1. Cute look! I am loving your necklace.

  2. I love the idea of layering the dresses. Great look!

  3. What a great idea! Layering two whole dresses?! Genius! The estate sale necklace is perfection.

    I was talking about an all black wardrobe the other day and how neat it would be to have a signature style of all black clothes with killer bright or detailed shoes. Interesting, no?

    You look fab, as always! :)


  4. I love the two dress concept, you have totally perfected it!! :)

    That boyfriend is such a nice guy! What a catch!

  5. Love the idea of layering dresses. Super cute!

  6. That necklace totally makes the look! Good find!

  7. I absolutely love when people layer dresses. And those glasses-so fabulous. I think anyone who blogs understands about needing a break every now and then!


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