July 21, 2011

Nifty Thrifty (7/30)

So I was doing my usual blog reading at lunch today and discovered that it is a Nifty Thrifty day over at Every Body, Every Wear. How did I miss this?! Lucky for me (and you, maybe?), I am wearing my most favorite recent thrift find... actually, two of them...

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: Nifty Thrifty (7/30)
Dress: Liz Claiborne, Thrifted (Value World), $2.60
Belt: J Crew, Thrifted (Value World), $1.60
Bracelet: Gift
Shoes: Mossimo Supply Co Oldell Ruffle flats, Target, $6.48 (clearance in store)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear
TOTAL = $10.68

I know you just saw this dress a few days ago but I thought I would show off the back of it now. It was a blazing hot day so I figured it would be perfect to keep my cool while I was at work - where it fluctuates between being freezing and being hot (don't even ask me how that works).

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: Nifty Thrifty (7/30)

Ignoring my horrible posture in this picture, what do you think? The low back of this dress border lines on being inappropriate for work but I decided to hell with it today. The temperature warranted it.

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: Nifty Thrifty (7/30)

My other nifty thrifty piece? This amazing yellow skinny belt that I picked up from one of my local Value World stores. Yes, J. Crew for $1.60 can be possible, ladies and gents. You just have to look! This belt looked virtuously unused when I bought it... I was actually even pretty shocked that the thrift store had not priced it higher than this.

Summer 2011 30x30 Remix: Nifty Thrifty (7/30)

I think the two go pretty well together, don't you? It didn't occur to me to pair them up until last night when I was putting my clothes together for the next day. So happy I chose to wear this today so I could participate in Nifty Thrifty Thursday!

Thrift | Everybody, Everywear

Now shake your tail feather on over to Every Body, Every Wear and check out all the other great Nifty Thrifty submissions!


  1. Glad I shook my tail feather here. Your dress is a floral lover (like myself) is a delight :)

  2. This dress is perfect paired with the skinny yellow belt! Great colors!

  3. KATIE! You make this dress look beautiful. You enhance the beauty of this piece and take it to the summer-floral-awesome-extreme. I LOVE it!

    Laurel Ann

  4. The dress and belt go fabulously together!

  5. Saw you on EBEW and just think your dress is gorgeous!!! i love all things floral right now!
    And seriously...what a steal for that J Crew belt! (jealous)

  6. That dress was a fantastic find! I love the fun print and it does pair great with that yellow belt. Great job girlie :)

  7. What great finds & even better, great prices! The print makes me smile!


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