October 25, 2010

Gingham and a Dress

Today I broke out of my comfort zone. I wore boots... Short boots. With a dress. Bah bah bahhhh:

WIW: 10/25/10

I know it sounds silly but I've never had the so-called courage to wear short boots with anything but pants. Basically, I've never had the courage to bare my legs with a pair of short boots. I know that sounds weird... especially considering I will wear dresses and skirts any day of the week with heels. But here is my thinking: I was scared to wear short boots with bare legs because I felt like it would make my legs look thicker. I don't exactly have super slender ankles or legs. After viewing photo after photo of all you ladies dressed in dresses and short boots, I could no longer resist! And I'm glad I didn't.

WIW: 10/25/10
Dress: Citi Clothing, Thrifted (last year)
Tank (underneath): FREE at Forever 21 w/ purchase (last year)
Boots: FREE from my sister (we made a boot trade)... I'm assuming they are from Payless though!
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Here's why I'm happy to have given up being too scared to rock this look: 1) Life is too short, 2) Who CARES if my legs look "thick" and 3) It looks darn good! I think so, at least. :)

WIW: 10/25/10

And this dress? An absolute favorite of mine. I thought I had packed it away because I couldn't find it for the longest time but I discovered last night that it was hanging on my boyfriend's side of the closet for some reason. It fits SO well and I love the print. I remember the day I found it at the thrift store. The minute I lifted it over my head and on, I was hooked. I love thrifting days like that.

WIW: 10/25/10

Funny story how I got these boots, actually... I was at my parent's house over the weekend and spotted these by the front door. A quick "Oooh!" came out of my mouth just as my sister's head whipped around and she said "Uhhhh, those are MINE!" OK, fine. Fast forward to last night, she comes over to my apartment to pick up some clothes I was getting rid of when she spotted a tall, lace up pair of brown boots. She told me she would trade me these black boots for my brown boots and that was that. She whipped these off and whipped the brown ones on and I was left to do some outfit planning for today. I couldn't be happier with our trade!

What look are you loving but is one you are afraid to try? Why?


  1. I really love it!

    I like the mod hair styles and hair accessories, but have not the time nor talent to try it. also, I think I like oxfords but am scared of them.

  2. You have a very unique style! I LOVE it! :]

  3. I love that dress. LOVE.
    and your legs DO NOT look thick at all, NOT AT ALL!


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