August 9, 2011

An EBEW/30x30 Smackdown... or something. (11/30)

Today's topic? Pattern mixing. It is something I am quite fond of really and I feel like it is a really easy way to maximize your closet by having just a few pieces but creating numerous looks! (Shameless past print mixing promoting herein ends. You are welcome.)

Now, pattern mixing within my 30x30 pieces wasn't a stretch whatsoever. I always make sure to include some patterned pieces because A) they are fun and B) my closet is so full of them, how could I not? I pretty much live for florals and bright colors during the summer. I love these pieces apart but together they're even better...

EBEW & 30x30: Pattern Mixing
Dress: Liz Claiborne, Thrifted, $2.60
Gingham Top: IZOD, Thrifted, $4.99
Flats: Mossimo Supply Co Odell Ruffle Flats, Target, $6.48 (on clearance in store)
Glasses: SEE Eyewear
Diamond Studs: Gift from my boyfriend
Flower Hair Pin: Handmade by me
TOTAL: $14.07

Oh, mama. Floral and gingham, be still my heart. Ever since I laid my eyes on this gorgeous match up of gingham and floral from 9to5Chic I have been dreaming of ways to recreate the look myself. There was no time better than now as both of these items are part of my 30 for 30 pieces and it is Everybody, Everywhere pattern mixing day.

EBEW & 30x30: Pattern Mixing

I kept the look pretty simple other than that... I'm not usually one to add on a lot of jewelry when I'm wearing a "louder" outfit. It's just how I roll. I was actually feeling under the weather this morning so I opted not to blowdry my hair but instead threw it up (aka pin obsessively and spray a lot) in a baby bun and added a felt flower I made a while back. I think it complimented the outfit pretty nicely, don't you?

Pattern Mixing | Everybody, Everywear

Looking for more pattern mixing inspiration? Connect with other lovely bloggers today (and anytime!) at Everybody, Everywhere! Did you pattern mix today? Link up at the site!


  1. I am not generally a fan of pattern mixing, but this is just adorable! LOVE!

  2. I'm shocked at how well those two pieces compliment each other. Kudos, you did great on this ensamble :)

  3. Great look! I love the colors. I'm really itching for a gingham shirt now. I think it looks great with floral. Nice way to work the EBEW challenge.

  4. your hair is SO stinkin' cute. and i knew you would rock this ebew - super awesome job! gold star!

  5. Love your take on the EBEW challenge - you are fearless with combining bright colors! I adore bloggers who are not afraid to use a lot of color. Great post!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comments on my EBEW.

  6. Really fun mix of patterns!


  7. Awww, I missed another EBEW. I keep doing that. You look like a doll!

  8. This is such a great outfit, pattern mixing makes me happy too!! :)

    Ebay Finds >

  9. Hi there! Thank you for stopping by and entering my giveaway! Love your take on the EBEW challenge :)

  10. I absolutely love that floral print! And I really like how you mixed floral and checks. So cute!

  11. You look so good in these pictures, I love your dress and the combination with the lovely shirt is awesome, you look so nice and I adore your glasses, very chic! Your blog is lovely and I'm a new follower! Hope you'll like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  12. Don't you just love knotting a button-down shirt? It makes for such a flattering look. And like some of the other commenters, I too am surprised at how well this shirt goes with the dress. It is a combination I would never have thought of but it works perfectly! - Katy

  13. Pattern mixing is tricksy tricksy but I think you have totally created a fab outfit. I'm a FaN!

  14. adorable! That's amazing that you got that whole outfit for less than $15. AMAZING!

    Notes She Wrote


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