October 9, 2010

Links for the Week's End

Sleepy Ernie
I think Ernie knows how to embrace the weekend spirit! :)

This Anthropologie neckace DIY by Flamingotoes.com is gorgeous. I am already envisioning my own version made out of a thrifted scarf and pins...

I feasted my eyes upon this gorgeous lace scarf from Conversation Pieces this morning. (Found via the shop's Facebook page.) It's now on my fall lust list!

Still not sure what to dress up as for Halloween? Miss Vinyl Ahoy created the most fantastic Lady Gaga costume and tells you how you can create the same look here.

I think the idea of modge podging boots with fabric is so, so neat.

Want a fancier boot? Modge podge with glitter! Oh, how I love this! (Via my BFF, Alicia!)

These crispy green bean fries are on my must make list for this week. I love recipes that re-make naughty foods using vegetables.

How is your weekend going? Mine has been perfect thus far - I slept in late and then went on a run with my boyfriend. He was a great motivator as he's into running and I am very much not a runner. :) When all was said and done, I felt great. I always forget how good exercise feels after you get over the hump of not wanting to do it. On my list for tonight: A bachelorette party! The over the knee boots are coming out to dance!


  1. WOOO!! Shout out!

    I also saw the lace scarf this morning.. Swooooon. We should figure out a way to make one!

    Great links, I'm going to read them all now :)

  2. I love those anthro necklace DIYs!
    Nothing makes me happier than recreating their $100 necklaces for $5.

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. LOL! Thanks for the shout out! :)


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