October 2, 2010

Links for the Week's End


How is your weekend going? I have spent this rainy Saturday lounging around with my Ernie. (That's him, a bit smaller than he is now, above.) I wouldn't ask for anything more. I love to spend rainy weekends holed up inside, away from the cold and wet.

Here's some of my favorite things that have been found via my web browser lately...

Sparkle Power's friday etsy favorites are always fantastic. I especially love this week's edition. These vintage style feather pendants ($6!) from Two String Jane are at the top of my swoon list right now.

Emily (Cupcakes and Cashmere) has me toying with the idea of making my own english muffins. They are my bread breakfast item of choice. Topped with homemade strawberry jam? Yes, please.

A Pair and a Spare is my most favorite fashion/DIY blog right now. So, so, so in love with this blog! I am toying with the idea of creating one of these cut out shoulder shirts. This would be a cute look to wear to a bachelorette party I am attending next weekend.

I am loving this headband DIY over at ClosetConfections.com. It's a no sew - which means it's quick and easy! Imagine all different looks you could create with fun vintage ties...

Who doesn't love P.S. I Made This? I am especially enjoying her fringe scarf from an old tshirt DIY this week. Check out the video - It's so easy! I already made one and am planning on wearing it this coming week.

MakingItLovely.com is talking about her new necklace which is pretty but has meaning. I love the idea behind this! (And I'm loving dainty, small necklaces right now to boot.)

And, finally, I enjoyed viewing these very fashionable wedding guests! They gave that bride a run for her money! :)


  1. Thanks for the linky love in this post, it seems you like DIY as much as I do! I hope you will be inspired to do some yourself (if you dont do it already!)



    ps. I love hanelli's gorgeous knit + heavy skater skirt too.


  2. Thanks for the linky love in this post, it seems you like DIY as much as I do! I hope you will be inspired to do some yourself (if you dont do it already!)



    ps. I love hanelli's gorgeous knit + heavy skater skirt too.


  3. I'm glad you liked the headband DIY! I plan to showcase more projects for non-sewers (like myself) in the future.



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