September 29, 2010

Cheetah Style

WIW: 09/29/10
Top: Poof!, Thrifted, Old
Dress: R.J. Stevens by Carol Escritor, Thrifted last year
Belt: Cheapie that came with something I bought
Boots: Thrifted, Old
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

Pardon my silly face in this picture - Let's concentrate on this dress! It is one of my all time favorite dresses. I found it while shopping in one of my trusty thrift stores and knew it would be coming home with me immediately. I know animal prints are HUGE right now but I actually bought this last year sometime. I don't really think animal prints are ever "out" - so long as they're worn correctly. This dress has a fantastic, classic fit to it and just so happens to have a fun animal print as well. That makes it a closet staple in my book.

WIW: 09/29/10

Plus, it has nice twirling capabilities. Not that I find myself dress twirling very often... but when the feeling hits, it hits. :)

WIW: 09/29/10

Don't you love those ugly, cheapie belts that come with certain tops/dresses? (Note: This one did not come with this dress.) No? Me either. This is actually one of those belts that I happened to not get rid of because... I don't know. I guess I thought somewhere down the line I would use it someway somehow. Today was it's day. I wanted the dress to take center stage so I didn't feel my typical black braided belt would work. Too much. This belt was nice and simple so it won. I think it looked pretty darn good too! Not too shabby for a freebie!


  1. I absolutely love that dress. Isn't it amazing the great clothes you can find thrifting for so little $$$ ?!

    Em K

  2. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

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